Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 3, 2016

A 5-Minute Morning Workout You Can Do Straight Out Of Bed

Curling up under the covers on your phone, scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed is totally good and sometimes necessary. But just think how strong and energized you’d feel if you took five minutes from commnenting on your BFF’s new outfit to do a quick workout. Don’t worry, you won’t have to go far—or even put on a sports bra—because all six of these moves use your bed as a prop. By the end you’ll feel your legs, butt, arms, and abs burning. Then you can go back to uploading 12 different pictures of your cat sleeping.

1. Box Toe Touches

  • Stand in front of your bed and get the heart pumping and the muslces warmed up with this cardio move.
  • Lightly tap your left toes to the bed frame or the mattress, then jump to switch feet, bringing the right toes up.
  • Continue alternating feet for 30 to 60 seconds.

2. Triceps Dips

  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on the edge of the mattress.
  • Slide your butt off the bed with your legs extended out in front of you.
  • Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to maintain tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints.
  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower your tush toward the floor until your elbows are each at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bed.
  • Straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep.
  • Complete three sets of 15 to 20 reps.

3. Elevated Split Squat

  • Begin by placing the top of your right foot on the bed, with your left leg straight.
  • Bend your left knee, engage your right glute, and lower your pelvis toward the ground. You want your left foot out far enough so that when you lower your hips, your knee stays directly over your ankle.
  • Straighten your left leg and rise back up to the starting position.
  • Complete three sets of 10 to15 reps on each leg.

4. Elevated Push-Up

  • Start in a plank position with your hands on the mattress.
  • Pull your abs in and squeeze your glutes to stabilize your core. Inhale and bend your elbows to lower your head toward the bed; exhale, pulling your navel to the spine, and straighten your arms, returning to plank.
  • Too easy? Flip your body around so your feet are on the mattress and do push-ups this way.
  • Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps (do fewer reps if your legs are elevated).

5. Plank Leg Lifts

  • Come into a plank position with your feet resting on the edge of the bed.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine to engage your abs, which will help keep your spine straight and your body stabilized.
  • Lift your right leg into the air, then slowly lower it back toward the bed, but don’t let it touch. This counts as one repetition. Keep your pelvis level throughout your reps.
  • Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps with the right leg, and then repeat with the left.

6. Double Leg Lifts

  • Lay your back and butt on the bed with your legs extended straight up toward the ceiling. Place your hands underneath the back of your head.
  • Pressing your lower back into the mattress, slowly lower both legs down toward the floor, then slowly raise them back up. If this is too difficult, lower them as much as you can, or lower one leg at a time.
  • Complete three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Noni for Acne

Acne, a chronic inflammatory skin condition, occurs when pores become blocked with sebum, or natural skin oil. Although not medically serious, acne can be unsightly, affecting appearance, mood and self-esteem. A dermatologist may recommend topical creams and antibiotics to combat acne. Some people turn to herbal remedies, including noni extracts, to alleviate acne symptoms. Consult your doctor or dermatologist before using noni for acne.

Acne Features
The primary trigger for acne flareups is changing hormone levels, which cause excessive amounts of sebum to be produced. Skin Care Physicians notes that bacteria don't cause acne, but they exacerbate it by causing inflammation and infection. Acne can appear as comedones, also called whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammation resulting from the presence of bacteria may lead to the formation of papules -- small, raised reddish pimples with white centers -- and even cysts, which are pus-filled lumps that develop under skin. Although acne usually afflicts teens, women in their 40s and 50s are not exempt; fluctuating hormones due to menopause can trigger breakouts. The use of oily cosmetics, certain medications and family history can contribute to acne.

Noni History and Traditional Uses
The noni plant -- botanically known as Morinda citrifolia and also called Indian mulberry, morinda and wild pine -- is an evergreen shrub native to Asia, Australia and Tahiti. The bumpy, yellow-white fruits -- which are edible in spite of their unpleasant taste and smell -- have been used by Polynesian healers since antiquity to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis; noni has also been utilized as a tonic to prolong life.

Constituents and Effects
Noni fruit contains essential oils with anthraquinones, as well as substances called morindone and alizarin., which provides peer-reviewed medical information to consumers, says that an alkaloid called xeronine has been isolated for medical, culinary and industrial use. Xeronine may work at a molecular level to repair damaged cells, including those in skin. Blue Shield's Complementary and Alternative Health credits the fruit with immune-enhancing effects, saying that noni may cause the release of compounds that activate white blood cells.

Herbalists and naturopaths advise noni as an acne remedy due to its perceived antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. There is some scientific laboratory and animal research supporting these beliefs, but human clinical trials are lacking. In a clinical study conducted by R. Usha and colleagues and published in the 2010 issue of "Ethnobotanical Leaflets," researchers found that morinda -- or noni -- extracts had inhibitory effects against E. coli, S. aureus, C. albicans and other common pathogens. In another clinical study, conducted by Simla Basar and colleagues and published in the January, 2010 issue of "Phytotherapy Research," a noni fruit puree worked as well as hydrocortisone in reducing inflammation in arthritic mice.

Dosage and Safety Considerations
To take noni for acne, you can drink it as a juice. Many commercial products have reduced the objectionable odor and taste of noni. Blue Shield recommends 4 ounces of juice a day, 30 minutes before breakfast. Noni is also available in a powdered concentrate form; it is generally safe to take 500 to 1,000 mg a day. Consult your doctor before taking noni. Don't take noni if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Advantages & Disadvantages of the Alkaline Diet

The alkaline diet is an alternative diet that attempts to correct the body’s pH by emphasizing foods that have alkalizing reactions in the body. Although few medical studies have linked the alkaline diet to specific health benefits, proponents claim that the diet treats a variety of conditions from digestive problems to cancer. For best results, talk to your dietician before undergoing a drastic change in your eating habits.


Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that certain foods lead the body to become overly acidic. These acidic foods – such as sugar, caffeine, animal protein and processed foods – are kept to a minimum of 25 percent or less of your total caloric intake, while alkalizing foods – including fruits, leafy greens and root vegetables – should make up the remaining majority of your consumption. Despite its claims, the alkaline diet has produced few studies in support of its methodology. The body has multiple mechanisms for correcting your pH to the ideal levels of 7.35 to 7.45, registered dietitian Stephanie Vangsness of The Brigham and Women’s Hospital explains.


According to the Wolfe Clinic website, which promotes the diet, when the body is acidic it resorts to leaching minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium from vital organs. In this state, your saliva, muscles, bones and teeth may deteriorate, causing a variety of negative symptoms, such as muscle cramps, twitches, electrolyte deficiency and brittle bones. Supporters of the alkaline diet purport that reducing your intake of acidifying foods and increasing your intake of alkalizing foods can help reverse symptoms caused by acidity. Despite the lack of mainstream medical evidence, the alkaline diet may provide many nutritional benefits by supporting the consumption of foods that are generally considered healthy, such as vegetables, root crops, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, green tea and lean proteins such as fish and eggs.


Vangsness advises against the alkaline diet because it promotes the exclusion of some healthy foods. Certain fats and oils that are restricted from the alkaline diet can provide essential fatty acids, which are required to maintain immunity and make healthy cells. Beans and legumes are also discouraged, limiting your intake of helpful phytonutrients that may boost the immune system and lower your risk of cancer.

Safety Concerns

Talk to your doctor before adopting an alkaline diet to reduce the risk of malnutrition and other negative effects. Because of the lack of scientific evidence, the alkaline diet may not be appropriate or safe for all people, and it is generally suggested that you make necessary concessions as your body requires.

What Are the Benefits of Mango Tea?

The writers of Vitamins Diary claim that the mango is considered by many to be the "King of Fruits" due to its delicious taste, bright orange color and nutritional values. In addition to eating a mango on its own, mangoes are used in a variety of different ways, including jams, sauces, sorbet or even as garnish. Another common trend has become using the mango leaves to make tea, according to an article published by Health and Wealth, to increase overall health and treat health problems. Always consult your physician before using alternative remedies for a health condition.

Diabetes Treatment
According to the writers of Health and Wealth, mango tea has been used by European physicians to help treat diabetes and the blood vessel problems associated with diabetes. The writers of Health and Wealth claim that mango tea has been associated with slowing the progression of diabetes, and is also associated with healing the blood vessels in and around the pancreas that have been damaged due to diabetes.

Lowers Risk of Hypertension
The writers of Health and Wealth add that drinking mango tea can aid in the treatment of hypertension, because it helps to strengthen the fragile blood vessels that can lead to hypertension. The writers of Health and Wealth recommend drinking one cup of mango tea daily to help treat hypertension.

High in Vitamins
The writers of Vitamins Diary claim that the mango leaves used to make mango tea are high in vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C, making mango tea a healthy choice if you are looking to add more nutrients and vitamins to your diet. The writers of Vitamins Diary also claim that the vitamins in mango tea are a major source of nutrition for people in underdeveloped countries.

How to Clean Out Your System With Honey and Vinegar

A honey and apple cider vinegar tonic is a natural remedy purported to have cleansing and healing abilities. Drinkers of the tonic claim it that cures migraine headaches, diabetes, chronic fatigue, arthritis, high blood pressure, allergies, sinus infections and many other ailments. Highly regarded for its antibiotic, antibacterial and fat-burning properties, it also has been used as a detox tonic and a diet aid. While ingesting honey and vinegar is unlikely to do you any harm, there is little scientific evidence to support these anecdotal claims.

Things You'll Need
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. honey
Drinking glass

Mix together 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. of honey in a drinking glass. The sweetness of the honey will balance the sharpness of the vinegar, making it more palatable.

Dilute to taste with chilled water.

Drink the mixture twice daily, before meals, for up to two weeks.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2016

Cure for Prematurely Aging Skin

Premature aging can be prevented and repaired; however, repair does not occur overnight. Premature aging occurs due to free radical damage from environmental factors that can be difficult to avoid. Free radicals, such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun and pollution from the environment, are unpaired molecules that damage the skin, causing fine lines and wrinkles, age spots and loss of elasticity. Store-bought products and dermatologist treatments are effective, but they can be incredibly expensive and are often harsh on the skin. Natural treatments are also effective, and they do not promote the side effects or irritants due to chemicals.

Step 1
Cleanse the face with milk and honey twice a day. Combine ¼ cup of milk and 1½ tbsp. of honey. Mix well and store in the refrigerator after every use.

Step 2
Apply a small amount of the milk and honey cleanser to the skin, massaging thoroughly, and rinse with lukewarm water. Milk contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that removes dead skin cells and keeps the skin fresh. Honey attracts and holds in moisture while nourishing aging skin with vital nutrients.

Step 3
Scrub the face once a day with brown or white sugar. Sugar contains glycolic acid, another natural alpha hydroxy acid used by dermatologists to repair aging skin. This exfoliating scrub will maintain smooth skin and reveal younger-looking skin over time without side effects.

Step 4
Fade age spots with a spot treatment made of fresh lemon juice and aloe vera gel. Lemon contains citric acid to smooth roughness from age spots and has bleaching capabilities to lighten dark spots. Aloe reduces inflammation and softens rough age spots.

Step 5
Separate the white of one egg and apply it to the skin as a weekly facial mask treatment. Egg whites are a natural way to tighten and lift sagging skin that has lost elasticity. Let it dry on the face and neck for 25 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

Step 6
Puncture one vitamin E capsule and combine the oil with 1/2 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil for an intensive moisturizing night treatment. Smooth the mixture over the face before bed, and wash your face as usual in the morning. Vitamin E repairs prematurely aging skin, while extra virgin olive oil makes skin more permeable to fully absorb the vitamin E oil.

Take care not to get any of the natural treatments in the eyes as irritation may occur. Discard the milk cleanser after one week.

Always wear SPF 30 on the face, neck and hands when going outdoors. These areas are considered the most delicate skin and more prone to premature aging than other areas of the body.

Antioxidants fight free radical damage. Eat an abundance of foods high in antioxidants such as berries, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

Things You'll Need
¼ cup milk
1½ tbsp. honey
Lemon juice
Aloe vera gel
Egg white
1 vitamin E capsule
Extra virgin olive oil

Juicing for Wrinkles

Sun exposure, stress, environmental toxins and the natural process of aging will reduce the elasticity of your skin, creating wrinkles. Wrinkles are also often due to lower collagen levels in your skin, as collagen is the protein that keeps your skin elastic and firm. Including juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables, especially if they are high in skin-friendly nutrients and antioxidants, can help promote healthy skin. You can mix together juices made from fruits and vegetables for a healthy, delicious and nutrition-packed drink.

Citrus Fruit Juice
All citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruits and tangerines, are naturally high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is required to help your body produce collagen, which helps keep your skin firm and healthy, potentially helping reduce the onset of wrinkles. Vitamin C also helps your body heal from injuries, including cuts and bruises. As a natural antioxidant, it can help reduce the damage of free radicals on your body, which can speed up the aging process, including the onset of wrinkles. An orange has 70 milligrams of vitamin C per serving, a whole grapefruit has 79 milligrams and a tangerine has 26 milligrams per serving. The recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C ranges from 75 to 120 milligrams for adults.

Purple Grape Juice
Purple grape juice, made from red grapes, is naturally high in revesatrol, which is found in the grape’s skin. Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound that is a natural antioxidant. A single 5-ounce serving of red grape juice has between 0.17 and 1.3 milligrams of resveratrol. Like vitamin C, it protects your cells from damage from free radicals, potentially aiding in slowing down the aging process. The Linus Pauling Institute also notes that resveratrol may be beneficial in increasing life span, although the studies have been done only on animals and insects, so further research is needed to understand if resveratrol may have the same effect on humans.

An Unconventional Choice: Beet Juice
You might not think of beets as a juice ingredient, but these root vegetables produce a sweet and palatable juice that can be blended easily with other fruit and vegetable juices. Raw beets are naturally high in folate, and a 1-cup serving of chopped beets, the equivalent of 1/2 cup of fresh beet juice, has 148 milligrams of folate per serving. This means that 1/2-cup serving of fresh beet juice contains 25 to 37 percent of the recommended dietary intake of folate for all adults. Folate helps with producing DNA and RNA, the building blocks of your body. Folate -- or in supplement form, folic acid -- is especially important when you are experiencing rapid growth, such as during adolescence and pregnancy. As folate helps your body produce cells and tissues rapidly, it is essential for helping produce healthy, new skin cells, keeping your skin fresh-looking.

A Vegetable Juice Stalwart: Carrot Juice
When made from fresh, raw carrots, carrot juice is naturally rich in vitamin A. A single cup of chopped carrot, the equivalent of 1/4 cup of fresh carrot juice, has 1,069 micrograms of vitamin A. This is over 100 percent of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin A for adults, including pregnant women. For breast-feeding women, 1/4 cup of fresh carrot juice provides 82 percent of the RDI. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant that protects your body from damage from free radicals. It also helps keep your skin and mucous membranes healthy and assists in wound healing. Like beet juice, carrot juice is sweet-tasting and can be blended with other fruit and vegetable juices.

Herbal Remedies for Tension Headaches

Tension headaches arise from tightened muscles in the head, neck and shoulders. You may feel a dull pain or pressure in your forehead or back of your head, along with muscle tenderness and a loss of appetite. Doctors aren’t sure what causes tension headaches, but they may be due to changes in brain chemicals triggered by stress, depression, poor posture or jaw tightening, according to Conventional treatments may include analgesics and sedative drugs, but they can have unpleasant side effects. Herbal remedies for tension headaches may relieve pain and help prevent recurring headaches. Consult your health care provider before starting herbal therapy.

Passionflower, or Passiflora incarnata, is a perennial creeping vine with delicate purple flowers. Traditional healers use the leaves and stems to treat nervous conditions, insomnia and gastrointestinal disorders. Active ingredients include passaflorine, apigenin, rutin, vitexin and the pyrone derivative called maltol, which has a sedating effect on the central nervous system, according to "Medicinal Plants of the World" written by Ben-Erik van Wyk and Michael Wink. Dr. Linda B. White and Steven Foster, authors of "The Herbal Drugstore" recommend a tincture or tea to relax tight muscles and calm the mind. If your tension headache interferes with sleep, passionflower is the herb of choice, according to clinical herbalist David Hoffmann. He also recommends combining it with Jamaican dogwood or hops, both sedative herbs. Do not use passionflower if you are taking medication for depression or insomnia.

Valerian, or Valeriana officinalis, is a tranquillizing herb native to Europe and Asia. Herbalists use the roots to treat headache, insomnia, stress, premenstrual syndrome, menopause and nervous disorders. Valerian is a potent relaxant, possibly due to the iridoid alkaloids called valepotriates. These chemicals bind to receptors in the brain to reduce anxiety and produce a calming effect similar to benzodiazepine drugs, according to "Medicinal Plants of the World." Clinical herbalist Penelope Ody recommends valerian for tension headaches because it eases tension, muscle cramps and anxiety. "The Herbal Drugstore" recommends a tincture or capsules standardized to 0.5 percent valerian essential oil. Do not use during pregnancy or if you are taking sedative or antidepressant drugs.

Willow, or Salix alba, is a deciduous tree whose bark produces medicinal chemicals similar to aspirin. Folk healers use the bark to treat fever, flu, rheumatism, headache and other painful inflammatory disorders. The active ingredients are salicylates, which are metabolized to salicylic acid, a chemical similar to acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin. Willow works by inhibiting cyclooxygenase, or COX, an enzyme involved in inflammation and pain, and unlike aspirin, it does not irritate the stomach, according to "Medicinal Plants of the World." "The Herbal Drugstore" recommends willow capsules or tea to relieve tension headaches. Do not use willow if you are allergic to aspirin. Consult your doctor before taking willow if you have a heart or gastrointestinal disorder, diabetes or are taking NSAIDs or blood thinning medicine.

All Natural Treatments for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures due to faulty nerve cell signaling. Doctors aren’t sure what causes epilepsy, but genetics, strokes, head trauma and dementia may be involved, according to Conventional treatment with anti-epileptic drugs attempts to control the frequency and duration of the seizures, but these medications don’t work for everyone and may have unpleasant side effects. Natural herbal treatments, though not a substitute for conventional care, may help relieve convulsions without those side effects. It is important to consult a health care professional before starting any herbal treatment for epilepsy.

False Pepper
False pepper, or Embelia ribes, is a creeping vine with small yellow-green flowers found throughout India. Folk healers use the bark, leaves and fruit to treat a range of disorders, including parasites, rheumatism, fever, abdominal problems, skin diseases, tumors, mental disorders, convulsions and nervous debility. The active ingredient is embelin, and the plant has anti-inflammatory, antifertility, antitumor and antioxidant actions. Embelin belongs to a chemical category called benzoquinone, and quinone derivatives have anticonvulsant actions. A study published in the May 2010 issue of “Phytomedicine” tested the anticonvulsant activity of an extract of embelin from false pepper berries on test animals with induced seizures. The study found that embelin significantly inhibited convulsive movements in the animals and was as effective as diazepam, an anti-seizure drug. Studies on humans are needed to validate the traditional use of false pepper for convulsions and to confirm these findings.

Bo Tree
The bo tree, or Ficus religiosa, is a large fig tree found throughout South Asia. The bo tree is sacred to Hindus and Buddhists, and is used medicinally and ritually. Throughout history, different Ficus species around the world have been used to treat epilepsy, and Indian Ayurvedic medicine uses the bo tree for this disorder. A study published in the June 2009 issue of the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” noted that the figs of the bo tree contain the highest amount of serotonin compared to figs from other Ficus species. The study tested an extract of the figs for its anti-convulsant actions, and found that it significantly inhibited seizures by increasing serotonin transmission in nerve sells. This study supports the Ayurvedic use of bo tree figs in epilepsy, but further studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Violet Tree
The violet tree, or Securidaca longepedunculata, is a small tree with aromatic purple flowers native to tropical Africa. Folk healers use the roots to treat a range of mental and physical disorders, including spirit possession, headache, inflammation, anxiety, pain and epilepsy. A study reported in the May 2010 issue of the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” compared a root extract of violet tree to phenobarbitone, an anticonvulsant drug, on animals with seizures induced by different chemicals. All animals treated with the extract had a delayed onset of seizures. Depending on the chemical used to induce the seizures, the effects were better than, or equal to those of animals treated with phenobarbitone. This study confirms the traditional use of the violet tree for epilepsy. Studies on humans are needed to confirm these results.

Cabbage Soup Detox Diet

Though you may feel tempted to try the popular fad diet known as the cabbage soup detox diet, many medical professionals say this extreme regimen won't offer long-term benefits. "People will lose weight in the short term, but nobody can stick with it," John Foreyt, Ph.D., a weight-loss expert at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, says on the website

Several variations of the cabbage soup detox diet exist, though the basic regimen for most versions of this diet revolves around drinking a few cups of a cabbage soup mixture every day for seven days. On "free days" dieters may also eat small amounts of other foods, mainly fruits and vegetables. Various publications promoting the cabbage soup detox diet claim that a person can lose up to 10 to 15 pounds in one week by following the diet plan, notes the University of Florida News.

Each cup of cabbage soup contains only about 66 calories, according to On day one of the diet, a person may consume as little as 860 calories eating mainly soup, fruit and a glass of milk. Even as the diet progresses to include portions of fish or chicken, dieters still only consume a little over 1,000 calories per day, far short of the suggested 2,000 calories per day for most healthy adults. In some instances, dieters may drop to below 800 calories per day on this calorie-restricting diet.

Detox diets such as the cabbage soup diet claim to help your body flush out toxins, though some medical professionals criticize the importance of detoxing. According to gastroenterologist Nasir Moloo of Sacramento, California's Capitol Gastroenterology Consultants Medical Group, most healthy people's kidneys, liver, lungs and skin already provide plenty of detoxification. "Your body does a perfectly good job of getting rid of toxins on its own," says Moloo on "There’s no evidence that these types of diets are necessary or helpful."

Elaine Turner, a nutritional scientist at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, warns that the cabbage soup detox diet may aggravate health conditions in some people, such as those with diabetes. "Consult your physician before beginning any new diet, and that goes double here," says Turner. Fasting and crash dieting also deprive your body of many necessary nutrients, and in the long term, these types of diets may weaken your heart. Short-term side effects can include fatigue, headaches and irritability.

Because so many dieters eventually regain the water weight lost during the cabbage soup diet, those looking for long-term results should consider a healthier approach to weight loss. Nutrition consultant Susan Moores, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson, suggests on that you cut back the amount of high-fat food in your diet and follow a balanced meal plan that includes plenty of vegetables and fruit.

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 3, 2016

The Best Fish for Diabetics

Diabetes is a disease that affects your body's ability to properly use and store sugars from the foods you eat. Your body either does not make or does not respond to insulin, which is the chemical that causes glucose to be removed from your blood after a meal. While most diabetics can enjoy all foods in moderation, your diet should consist mainly of healthy foods full of vitamins and minerals. Fish is an excellent food for diabetics because it provides many of the nutrients found in meat without unnecessary saturated fat and calories. The American Heart Association indicates that you should have two 3.5-ounce servings of fish per week for the greatest health benefits.

Salmon is a fatty fish full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, but low in saturated fat. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics are at increased risk for developing heart disease, and omega-3 fats are important for your cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association indicates that omega-3s decrease triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, slow the rate of plaques forming in your arteries and decrease the risk of developing an abnormal heart rhythm. Salmon provides you with lean protein that will lead to weight loss, and protein has been shown to help regulate your blood sugar. Salmon is also low in mercury, and you can safely consume up to twelve ounces per week. It is available in wild and farmed varieties. Prepare your salmon meals by baking, grilling or broiling. Avoid frying salmon to keep from taking in unnecessary saturated fat.

Sardines are also a good source of omega-3 fats, and they are low in saturated fat. They contain as much calcium as a glass of milk, the B vitamin niacin, protein and iron. They are a convenient fish choice, since you can buy them fresh or canned and packed in oil. Sardines are also low in mercury. Grill fresh sardines, or add canned sardines to sandwiches or salads. Three whole fresh sardines have about 280 calories, while one 3.75 ounce can of sardines contains 191 calories.

Cod is a low-fat fish with no carbohydrates. A serving of one fillet has only 1.5 g of fat with 189 calories. Atlantic cod is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but it also contains a small amount of omega-6 fats as well. A serving of cod will provide you with small amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Cod is also a good source of B vitamins, with 32 percent of your daily value of vitamin B12 and 25 percent of your vitamin B6. Cod contains low levels of mercury, and it is one of the most commonly eaten fish.

Pacific mackerel is a fatty fish that contains about 3.2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per six-ounce serving. One cup of Pacific mackerel contains 296 calories, and it is also a good source of protein, iron, riboflavin, vitamin B12, selenium and niacin. This fish is occasionally available fresh, but it is most often canned and sold in grocery stores. Atlantic mackerel is available fresh, and it is low in mercury. However, avoid king mackerel since it is a high-mercury fish.

The Best Herbal Remedies for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer usually manifests in the cells lining your bronchi, or the bronchial tubes that help deliver oxygen to your lungs and bloodstream. The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that there are two main types of lung cancer: non-small cell and small cell. Non-small cell accounts for about 80 percent of all lung cancer cases. Certain herbal remedies may be a helpful adjunct therapy in your lung cancer treatment, although you should always clear the use of any herbs with your cancer specialist beforehand.

About Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a common health problem, especially among smokers. estimates that in 2009, over 200,000 American men and women were diagnosed with this serious health condition. Smoking -- including the consumption of secondhand smoke -- is the leading risk factor for developing lung cancer, although genetics, air pollution and radiation are other common contributors to the development of this condition. Chest pain, shortness of breath and coughing up blood are common signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

Useful Herbal Remedies
Though herbal remedies have long been used as an adjunct treatment therapy, not all herbs used for this health purpose may be backed by rigorous clinical research trials. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) reports that three herbs -- American ginseng, Asian ginseng and grape seed -- are among the most helpful natural remedies in treating your lung cancer. Other herbs known for their cancer-fighting ability include astragalus, ginger, turmeric and thyme.

A Powerful Remedy
Asian ginseng is a powerful herbal remedy that may be helpful in treating your lung cancer. According to the UMMC, some studies suggest that this herbal remedy may lower your risk for certain types of cancer, including lung, liver, stomach, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Other studies show that Asian ginseng may suppress tumor growth, although the UMMC concedes that further research may be required to verify this health effect. Asian ginseng may also be helpful in improving your mental and physical endurance levels.

Lung cancer is a serious illness that should always be managed by a qualified health care professional. Herbal remedies should never be used in place of other treatment strategies recommended by your cancer specialist. Herbs may best be used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of lung cancer, as the use of herbs alone does not guarantee a specific health result. Herbs may contain powerful medicinal ingredients and should be treated with the same caution you would use when taking prescription drugs.

Noni Juice Benefits for Skin

Laboratory studies show that noni fruit and its juice, derived from an evergreen shrub that grows widely throughout tropical regions of the Pacific Basin, have a wide array of potentially significant medicinal properties, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Several of these characteristics, including the juice's analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can promote overall skin health and ease the symptoms of specific skin disorders.

Essential Fatty Acids
Sadly lacking in the diets of many Americans, essential fatty acids play an important role in the health of both skin and hair. James D. Krystosik, a practicing chiropractic physician and author of "Carbs from Heaven, Carbs from Hell," points out that noni juice is rich in these nutritionally important fatty acids, which are the building blocks of fats and oils in the body. According to an article on the website of naturopathic doctor Anthony Speroni, these acids help to keep skin healthy by promoting the efficient functioning of cell membranes. This allows all cells to more readily absorb the nutrients they need while also flushing out the toxins that interfere with optimal cell function.

Other Nutrients
In addition to its high content of essential fatty acids, noni juice possesses a wide array of medicinal properties and nutrients that are beneficial not only for the skin but for general health as well. In explaining the wide use of noni juice in Polynesian folk medicine, Michael Tierra, herbalist and author of "The Way of Herbs," identifies its medicinal properties as antibacterial, antimicrobial, immune-stimulating, antioxidant, antihypertensive, antiarthritic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic.

Perhaps key to noni juice's ability to promote skin cell health is its high content of proxeronine, according to Rita Elkins, research specialist and author of "The Noni Revolution." Proxeronine is believed to promote production of xeronine, a compound that not only keeps cells healthy but also helps to steer abnormal cells back to normalcy. According to Elkins, the late Dr. Ralph Heinicke, a biochemist at the University of Hawaii, theorized that noni juice's effect on the body's production of xeronine helps to explain why noni juice "can be beneficial for so many seeming unrelated disorders."

Easy Ways to Add Turmeric to Your Diet

Curcuma longa, better known as turmeric, is bright yellow and has a bitter taste. Herbalists believe its active ingredient, curcumin, has many health benefits, including the treatment of digestive and liver problems. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes this could be because curcumin acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing dangerous oxides produced during metabolism, and aids in the production of bile, helping the body's digestion of fat. According to the UMMC, "Turmeric may have promise for fighting infections and some cancers, reducing inflammation, and treating digestive problems."

Turmeric Powder
You can find turmeric in powder form in the spice isle of the grocery store. Turmeric's bitter taste makes it a tasty addition to sauteed and steamed vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and onions, advises The World's Healthiest Foods, a website created by the George Mateljan Foundation. Toss in olive oil, and voila, you have an easy, nutritious side dish. You can also add turmeric to sour cream or your favorite dips and serve it with fresh vegetables for parties. Give soups and rice dishes a warm, bright color and flavor by sprinkling this golden powder as a garnish. Turmeric is especially complementary to egg dishes, such as egg salad, frittatas and omelets.

Baseball games, backyard barbecue, camping--you can usually find mustard at all of these venues. This common household condiment actually contains the illness-fighting ingredient, turmeric, which gives mustard its bright yellow color and bitter flavor, reports UMMC. Add mustard to egg salad, burgers, marinades and dressings for extra nutrition. At your next cookout, pack your own yellow bottle of nutrition and even offer some to a friend.

Indian Curry
Key to Indian cuisine, yellow curry includes several spices such as turmeric. Used to flavor sauces, meats and soups, curry can add variety and flare to common dishes. When spicing your next dish with curry, feel free to add extra turmeric for a stronger flavor and increased nutritional value. Curry is often cooked in combination with basmati rice, raisins, cashews, ginger and coconut milk, according to The World's Healthiest Foods. Spice up your next vegetable side dish with this yellow mixture, and add lentils for additional fiber.

Ever wonder what makes certain cheeses yellow or what gives butter an off-white hue? Some food producers use curcumin, derived from turmeric, as a golden-yellow coloring additive for butter, cheese, canned beverages and other products. When looking for curcumin on the nutrition label under ingredients, look for the name of E100, according to the website Allergy and Health Information.

Health Risks of Eating Raw Ground Pork

Eating raw meat, including pork, can increase your risk of developing a roundworm infection. Pork, if not cooked thoroughly, carries the risk of infecting you with trichinosis. Cook your pork until the pink is no longer visible to avoid this infection.

Trichinosis, a food-borne illness, is caused by eating meat that contains trichinella spiralis. This disease -- found in pork, fox, bear, horse and lion meat -- causes roundworm infections worldwide, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Once the infected meat is ingested, trichinella cysts break open, allowing roundworms to grow in the intestines. Due to strict USDA guidelines, domestic meat is considered safe, though annually there are approximately 40 cases of trichinosis.

Symptoms of trichinosis are abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, fever, facial swelling, muscle pain, muscle weakness, cramping and pain with breathing. Tests that will be given to diagnose trichinosis include a complete blood count, creatine kinase level test and muscle biopsy.

Treatment for trichinosis in the intestines includes administering the medication mebendazole or labendazole. These anti-worm medications kill parasites and treat roundworm infections. These medications -- which often come in chewable tablets -- are used twice per day for three days. The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that the treatment may have to be repeated in two to three weeks. Roundworm cysts in the muscles cannot be treated using this medication and only pain medication may be given to relieve muscle soreness due to the cysts.

Only eat fully cooked ground pork. If you have eaten ground pork that is undercooked, raw or contaminated, contact your physician immediately. Smoking, salting or drying pork are not effective ways to get rid of roundworms.

Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair and How to Use It

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the scalp and hair. Polynesian cultures historically have and still do use extra virgin coconut oil as a beauty product, notes the Polynesian Cultural Center in Oahu, Hawaii. A study published in the "Journal of Cosmetic Science" in 1999 found that coconut oil applied to the hair reduced hair breakage, and another study in 2005 from the Journal of Cosmetic Science noted that coconut oil penetrated the hair follicle better than the most common ingredient in hair conditioners, mineral oil. According to the book "Coconut Oil: Amazing Health, Skin And Cooking Benefits" by Gene Ashburner, aside from making a great moisturizer for hair and scalp, the oil has been used as a natural remedy to combat frizz; get rid of dandruff; remove and prevent lice; and promote hair growth. Coconut oil can even be used to extract chewing gum from hair. While the oil can improve scalp health, therefore improving the conditions for growing thicker, fuller hair, it does not treat the underlying cause of hair loss and cannot be relied on for treating baldness related to dihydrotestosterone. According to some sources, coconut oil can also soothe cradle cap, an issue commonly seen in babies. Its antibacterial properties may ward off folliculitis, an infection of the hair follicles, and may also fight fungal infections, such as ringworm of the scalp. You can easily replace expensive, deep-conditioning salon treatments by using this great smelling oil as a hair conditioner at home.

How to Heat and Apply Coconut Oil to Your Hair

Step 1

In order to correctly heat coconut oil, use this method. Warming in the microwave or directly over high heat in a pan can degrade the quality of the oil, making it less beneficial. Pour 1 cup of hot water into a small bowl.

Step 2

Scoop 2 tsp. coconut oil out of the jar, using a clean spoon, and put it into a glass cup. Use extra virgin coconut oil and, if possible, make sure that it's organic and sustainably harvested.

Step 3

Place the cup of coconut oil into the bowl of warm water. Leave the cup in the bowl until the coconut oil melts. Pure coconut oil is solid at cold temperatures but melts quickly at 76 degrees F or above.

Step 4

Massage the coconut oil onto your scalp and throughout your hair. If your hair is long, you may need to use additional coconut oil. Apply the coconut oil to dry or damp hair, whichever you prefer. The oil spreads more easily through damp hair.

Step 5

Comb your hair to distribute the coconut oil evenly. If you are using coconut oil for hair growth or scalp health, be sure to massage it into the roots of your hair. However, if you are prone to an oily scalp and just want the conditioning benefits, you can apply the oil mid-shaft, a few inches from your scalp.

Step 6

Put a shower cap on your head, and tuck all of your hair inside of it. Leave the coconut oil on your hair for at least 30 minutes or you can leave it in overnight. The longer you leave the coconut oil on, the more it will condition your hair.

Step 7

Shampoo your hair and repeat if necessary to remove the coconut oil completely. Using warm water will help get the oil out of your hair.

Step 8

Melt a pea-sized amount of coconut oil in the palms of your hands by rubbing your hands together, and apply it lightly throughout your hair for extra conditioning, concentrating on the ends of your hair. Skip this step if your hair does not need extra conditioning. Style your hair as normal.

Things You'll Need
Glass cup
Small bowl
Shower cap

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 3, 2016

Natural Alcohol Detox Remedies

If a person has been drinking large amounts of alcohol for prolonged periods of time, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are likely to occur when the drinker attempts to stop or cut back consumption. In severe cases, alcohol withdrawal can be extremely unpleasant, dangerous and even life-threatening. It is not recommended for a heavy daily drinker to abruptly stop consuming alcohol without a detox plan in place.

For various reasons, people may prefer to use natural methods to safely detox from alcohol.

Conventional and Natural Treatments
Depending on the severity of alcohol consumption prior to detox, a medical practitioner will usually prescribe diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) or lorazepam (Ativan) to alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

In the most serious cases, a medical practitioner will refer a patient to a detox facility to safely withdraw from alcohol. In milder cases, a care provider will administer the medications to the patient in his own home.

If using natural methods to home-detox, take a dose of vitamin-B complex, plus a thiamine (vitamin B1) supplement and large doses of vitamin C, selenium, magnesium and zinc. A combination of amino acids or a large dose of L-glutamine will help combat cravings.

Milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid supplements can help the liver recover after prolonged alcohol abuse.

An over-the-counter sleep remedy such as melatonin or valerian can help with insomnia bought on by alcohol withdrawal.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
If several hours after taking your last drink, you find you are suffering from shakiness and sweating, and you feel overly anxious or panicky, you are beginning to show signs of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Alcohol withdrawal will usually start less than 12 hours after the last drink has been taken. However, this will depend on the individual, and symptoms can begin up to 48 hours after drinking. At the onset of symptoms you must quickly decide if you will continue with a home detox or seek medical advice, and take immediate steps to follow your chosen plan.

Waiting to act can be very dangerous.

Home Detox Steps
Abruptly stopping drinking when you have withdrawal symptoms is not advisable without medication. For hundreds of years, long before medications were available, people have successfully used alcohol for alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The optimal drink to use is beer, as anything stronger will likely lead to drunkenness.

The idea is to drink small amounts of beer, tapering down gradually until all possibilities of suffering withdrawal symptoms have passed. Usually within 24 to 48 hours the patient is able to stop drinking the beer safely.

The amount of beer will depend on each individual. Generally, 12 ounces every hour is a reasonable starting point, then slowly reduce the amount of beer, or increase the amount of time between taking the beer. After three hours, you should be able to safely take only 8 ounces per hour, which can then be reduced to 4 ounces every two or three hours.

Combine the beer tapering with your vitamin supplements, and drink plenty of water. Lemon juice added to the water will also help your body detox.

Eat only light foods, such as fresh fruits or vegetables, and then only if you feel hungry. Do not force food because you feel you should be eating. Your body has enough to cope with eliminating the alcohol, and it will let you know when it feels ready for food. By eating before your body is ready, you are simply putting more of a burden on overworked organs.

Herbs to Treat Insomnia

Insomnia occurs when an individual has trouble going to sleep or staying asleep more than three times per week and experiences daytime impairment as a result. The average adult requires about 8 hours of sleep per night. According the University of Maryland Medical Center, however, only about 35 percent of American adults consistently achieve this amount. Numerous remedies for insomnia exist, including natural herbs and supplements that may help you fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Always talk to your doctor before taking any new herb, especially if you take prescription medications, as side effects or drug interactions could occur.

Kava Kava
Kava kava, an herb traditionally used to treat anxiety, may also benefit sufferers of insomnia. A study published in Psychopharmacology in 2005 found that sleep-disturbed rats treated with 300 milligrams kava extract experienced a significant shortening in the sleep latency cycle. Although further human trials are required, researchers note that kava kava possesses sleep-quality enhancement effects. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking 100 to 250 milligrams of standardized kava extract up to three times per day as needed. For the best results, take kava about an hour before bed and don't drive or operate machinery while under the herb's influence. Do not take kava if you have liver problems or drink excessive amounts of alcohol, however, as this may lead to serious side effects.

A common herbal remedy for calming the nerves and relaxing the body, chamomile may also help individuals with mild insomnia get to sleep. In the book “The Healing Power of Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs,” the Reader's Digest Association recommends drinking a cup of chamomile tea in the evening, about 30 minutes before bedtime. To make chamomile tea, steep 1 tsp. dried chamomile in 1 cup boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes, strain, sweeten with honey if desired and drink immediately. Chamomile tea bags available at supermarkets and natural health stores also work for this purpose. A mild and gentle herb, chamomile works in conjunction with other sedating herbs without causing side effects.

Widely praised for its use as an herbal sleep aid, valerian may help insomniacs fall asleep more quickly and sleep soundly through the night. According to a meta-analysis published in the March 2010 edition of Sleep Medicine, valerian may cause subjective improvement in insomnia, though researchers require further studies to determine the herb's effectiveness. An earlier review published in the December 2006 edition of the American Journal of Medicine found that valerian might improve sleep quality without producing side effects, though a standard dosage was not determined. The University of Maryland Medical Center, however, recommends taking 200 to 400 milligrams of valerian standardized extract before bed to promote sleep.

Nutmeg, an herb believed to possess mild sedative action, may also benefit sufferers of insomnia. In Indonesia, the herb's native habitat, healers use nutmeg to treat a variety of ailments including insomnia. In her book “Healing with the Herbs of Life,” Lesley Tierra recommends taking one capsule of freshly ground nutmeg about four to five hours before bedtime to promote a restful sleep and increasing the dosage by one capsule per day until sleep naturally regulates. Tierra warns that dried nutmeg does not produce the same effects, so try grinding your own for the best results. Purchase a capsule maker and empty capsules at your local health food store to make fresh nutmeg capsules, or simply consume 1/4 tsp. freshly ground nutmeg dissolved in warm water or juice.

Pineapple to Reduce Stomach Fat

Pineapple can flatten your tummy, prevent stomach distention and help your body burn a few extra calories. Pineapple is a nutrient-rich fruit containing vitamin C, manganese, thiamine, copper, fiber and vitamin B-6. Additionally, pineapple contains one very important enzyme: bromelain, which is found in the stem and within the juice of a pineapple. This enzyme metabolizes protein, contributing to a number of health benefits, including a flatter abdomen.

Stomach Bloating
Bromelain digests proteins, which aids in relieving heartburn or an upset stomach. According to the University of Maryland, one animal study revealed that bromelain’s antibacterial properties help combat the bacteria causing diarrhea. Preliminary research shows bromelain to be effective in healing bowel disorders. Relief from stomach conditions can produce a less-bloated abdomen and a slender waist.

Pineapple contains a combination of digestive enzymes that decreases inflammation and edema, as reported by the University of California at San Diego. Pain and inflammation caused by trauma, including surgery, arthritis or sports injury, is reduced when bromelain is consumed. This important enzyme aids in healing and regenerating the digestive lining of the stomach. Belly fat can be mistaken for water retention and stomach distention from inflammation of the bowels. Pineapple helps ease this inflammation resulting in a flatter, slimmer look.

Fat Burning
According to Clayton College of Natural Health, freshly juiced pineapple may help burn fat. Bromelain can work in conjunction with other enzymes, such as lipase, an enzyme that helps digest fats. According to Purdue University, bromelain is thought to aid in appetite inhibition and enhance fat excretion. Additionally, pineapple is a catabolic food, meaning that your body expends more calories digesting the fruit than the number of calories the fruit contains. This results in an overall calorie deficit.

Overall, pineapple is a very safe food. However, juice from unripe pineapples may cause vomiting. Allergic reactions may occur among those who have allergies to honeybee venom or olive tree pollen. Bromelain may overstimulate anticoagulant drugs. Talk to your physician about bromelain consumption if you are taking a blood thinner. Consuming more than two to three servings of pineapple per day among pregnant women has not been researched thoroughly to conclude whether bromelain is safe for expectant or breast-feeding mothers.

Grape Juice and High Blood Pressure

Evidence for grape juice having any impact on high blood pressure is contradictory, and the studies deal only with juice made from Concord grapes, and so it is not applicable to other types of grape juice. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that red and purple grape juice helps lower blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and your risk of blood clots. In other words, drinking grape juice may be as beneficial to your heart as red wine.

History of Grape Juice
Grape juice as an industry began when Thomas Welch, having read of the recent discovery of Dr. Louis Pasteur, wondered if heating the juice of freshly pressed grapes to the boiling point and then bottling it in sterilized bottles would allow him to make unfermented wine for his church's communion services. He succeeded. It was his son, Charles Welch, who turned the invention into a business, known to this day as Welch's. The type of grape the Welches chose to use was the Concord grape, an American variety developed by Ephraim Wales Bull in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1854.

Good For The Heart
The French Paradox refers to an observation that the French people have a low incidence of cardiovascular disease despite a diet high in fat and cholesterol. The effect has tentatively been linked to consumption of red wine, a beverage found to be rich in a complex family of compounds called phenols or polyphenols. As shown by Mullen in the April 2007 issue of "The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry," purple grape juice made with Concord grapes had the highest concentration of phenols of 13 fruit juices, whereas white grape juice had the lowest. What your own taste buds can tell you is juices high in polyphenols are more bitter and astringent.

Indirect Evidence
Mustali Dohadwala, in the November 2010 issue of "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," cited animal studies of grape juice and grape extracts lowering blood pressure in animal models. He also cited human studies demonstrating less artery stiffness and less risk of blood clotting. Theories of mechanism include increasing production of nitric oxide, which relaxes arteries, and reducing inflammation.

Direct Evidence
Two clinical trials directly measured the effect of drinking Concord grape juice on blood pressure. Dr. Dohadwala tested 20 ounces a day for eight weeks in mildly hypertensive adults and saw no benefit whatsoever compared with a calorie-matched placebo juice. Years earlier, Dr. YK Park reported in the spring issue of "Biofactors" that in a study conducted in South Korea, moderately hypertensive adults given 13 ounces of Concord grape juice a day for eight weeks had a 7 millimeters of mercury drop in systolic pressure and a 6 millimeters of mercury drop in diastolic blood pressure.

With only two published human trials and contradictory results from those, there is no scientific consensus that Concord grape juice lowers blood pressure. Given that one of the recommendations from the American Heart Association is to lose weight, a juice that contains 150 calories per 8-ounce serving, all from sugar, has another strike against it beyond weak evidence. Yes, you can enjoy purple grape juice for its taste, just don't tell yourself you are in it for blood-pressure benefits.

Pilates Exercises to Do at Home for Free

Pilates is an exercise method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900s. The Pilates method focuses on building core strength, increasing circulation, promoting flexibility and sculpting and toning your body. You can learn Pilates by taking a class, using a DVD or reading a book, and you can easily perform many Pilates exercises at home. Consult your doctor prior to beginning an exercise program, especially if you have a medical condition.

Single Leg Stretches
Stretches are an integral part of any Pilates routine and should be performed as part of your warm-up. Lie on the floor on your back for single leg stretches. Bend your knees toward your chest. Open your knees to shoulder-width, but keep your feet touching. Curl your head and shoulders off the floor as you slide your hands down to your ankles. Keep your navel drawn toward your spine throughout the exercise. On your next exhale, extend your right leg, while drawing your left knee closer to your chest. Inhale, and then on your next exhale, repeat on the other side. Do 10 times on each side, alternating sides as you go.

The Roll-Up
The roll-up is a beneficial Pilates exercise for strengthening your core muscles and toning your abdominal area. According to "Fitness" magazine, this exercise is more effective than standard crunches because you use a fuller range of motion. To perform the roll-up, lie on your back with your legs straight on the floor and your arms above your head. Inhale as you extend your arms upward toward the ceiling; then gradually roll your upper body off the floor, ending with your arms pointing straight in front of you. Roll down slowly and repeat 10 times.

The Hundred
According to "Fitness" magazine, the hundred can help to tone your abs and thighs. It is one of the core exercises in most Pilates programs. The hundred is performed while lying on your back, with your legs bent and your arms by your sides. Lift your legs off the floor, keeping them bent. Curl your head and shoulders up, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor. Contract your abs, pulling them in toward your spine. Pump your arms up and down by your sides, keeping your arms straight and making a small, controlled motion of no more than 6 inches. Breathe in for five arm pumps and exhale for five more. Perform 100 arm pumps.

Single Leg Circle
The single leg circle helps to isolate your adductor muscle, located on the side of your thigh, and mobilizes the hip joint. It also helps to tone your abs and thighs and stretches your hamstrings. To perform the single leg circle, lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides. Extend your right leg in the air at about a 45-degree angle from the floor with your hip rotated outward, keeping your left leg on the floor. Inhale and make a small circular motion with your right leg, as though you are outlining a circle on the ceiling. Perform five clockwise circles, then five counterclockwise circles. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Weekend Detox Diet Plan

Detox diets are marketed as ways to eliminate toxins that build up in the body and as quick weight-loss plans. The diets normally are organized around some fasting or all-liquid phase, followed by a strictly limited choice of foods. You may eat fresh fruits, vegetables, broths or teas on a weekend detox. Some detox plans recommend digestive system cleansing, special herbs, herbal teas or recipes for fiery lemonades, protein drinks and raw juice combinations.

Master Cleanse “Lemonade” Diet
The Master Cleanse Diet has been around since the 1940s and surges in popularity each time a celebrity uses it to drop a few pounds for a movie role. The diet isn’t a weight loss plan. It is meant to detoxify the system with a few days of subsisting on a drink made of spring water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. A side effect of the no-fiber food plan may be constipation, so a laxative tea is recommended while following the diet. Over a weekend, the diet may cause you to lose weight; however, because the weight loss is mostly water, the scale will inch back you when you resume eating. No scientific evidence exists that the Master Cleanse Diet flushes away toxins or improves health, according to Dr. Roger Clemens of the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy.

Fruit Flush Diet
The Fruit Flush Diet is designed to remove toxins and boost liver function and energy levels. A clinical nutritionist created the diet, limiting intake to protein drinks, fruit and raw vegetable salads. A modest amount of lean animal protein is permitted. The diet does allow healthy fats from avocado and olive oil, which should be fine for most healthy people to follow for the limited duration of one weekend. All the food is nutritious and could jump-start some good eating habits. The large amount of fruit, however, may mean this diet isn’t a good choice if you have hypoglycemia or diabetes. Once again, much of the weight loss is likely to be water.

Science vs. Anecdote
The human body is designed to remove toxins without direct intervention. People do begin to feel lighter and many claim to have more energy on a detox diet, but the Mayo Clinic notes there is little scientific evidence that a detox eliminates toxins. However, a weekend of light food intake, consisting mostly of healthy raw vegetables and fruits, is a nutritional plus for people who have been eating fast food, junk food and unbalanced diets. A gentle, nutritionally-balanced weekend detox may be good for you but don’t regard it as a serious weight loss plan or a substitute for year-round healthy eating.

Side Effects
Detox diets, even for the limited span of a weekend, can lead to nausea, dizziness, fatigue and dehydration. You should always consult with your health care provider before attempting a detox. The effort could actually exacerbate an underlying medical condition and lead to worse health, not better. The smart choice might be a moderate weekend diet change, then a permanent shift to a healthy diet that encourages the body to eliminate toxins as it was designed to do.