Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2016

Home Remedy Tea for a Migraine

Many migraineurs find that the intense pain, nausea and cold hands or feet typical of a migraine attack demand some form of treatment. While a cup of hot, aromatic herbal tea can be soothing all by itself, some herbs also have medicinal properties that may relieve migraine symptoms. Especially with milder migraines, these home remedy teas provide a natural way to treat migraines without pills or nasal sprays.


Use homemade herbal teas to help prevent migraines or alleviate a migraine in progress, depending on the ingredients. While few teas can stop a migraine, several can alleviate symptoms such as pain, nausea and chills. Still others have a sedative effect that helps you relax or sleep until the migraine passes.


Feverfew is among the most common herbs for migraine remedy tea. The parthenolide in this herb relieves smooth muscle spasms, which may help with migraines, suggest experts from the University of Maryland Medical Center. Ginger, another popular tea ingredient, reduces inflammation and relieves nausea and pain. Other herbs include peppermint for nausea, Chinese skullcap and teaberry for pain relief and passionflower or lemon balm as sleep aids.

Steep 125 milligrams, about 1/2 teaspoon, of dried feverfew leaves in 1 cup of water and drink this tea daily to reduce migraine frequency. This herb may do little to alleviate a migraine in progress, though. Relieve migraine symptoms with tea from up to 4 grams of fresh ginger root or 1 gram of powdered ginger. For help sleeping during a migraine, drink tea from 0.5 to 2 grams, about 1 teaspoon of dried passionflower. For other herbs and herbal tea blends, follow the label’s dosage guidelines.

Herbal teas provide an alternative to conventional migraine medications. Most herbs for migraines carry less risk of ulcers or liver damage than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Unlike triptans, they pose no known risk of potentially life-threatening serotonin syndrome. Herbal tea’s warmth and pleasant aroma can also help comfort you during a migraine.

Many herbs cause side effects and can interfere with other medications. Talk to a health care professional before treating migraines with tea. Feverfew may cause uterine contractions, so avoid this herb if you’re pregnant. Because sedative herbs such as passionflower reduce alertness, avoid them before driving. Buy medicinal tea only from reliable suppliers to ensure the leaves contain sufficient levels of active compounds, such as the parthenolide in feverfew.

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