Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2016

Health Benefits of Ginger Juice

With its spicy taste and exotic scent, you might associate ginger with traditional cuisine from Southeast Asia, such as Thai curries or stir-fries. However, ginger packs a nutritional punch that, when juiced and added to your favorite vegetable or fruit juice, increases the nutritional content while adding a pleasantly spicy taste. Ginger juice on its own is often too bitter and spicy to consume, so try mixing it with fresh apple or carrot juice. It takes 250 grams of ginger root to make 2 ounces of fresh ginger juice.

Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte that helps with the building of muscle and proteins. It helps maintain the electrical activity in your heart, it assists in regulating the acid-base balance in your system and it helps your body break down carbohydrates into useable energy. A 2-ounce serving of ginger juice contains 1038 milligrams of potassium, which is 22 percent of the recommended daily dietary intake for adults.

A member of the B vitamin complex, niacin is also known as vitamin B-3. As with all B vitamins, niacin helps keep your skin, hair, eyes and liver healthy. It also helps your body process fats and proteins, as well as providing support to your nervous and immune systems. Niacin helps your body produce sex and stress hormones, and it aids in blood circulation. A 2-ounce serving of ginger juice contains almost 2 milligrams of niacin. This is almost 12.5 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for adult men, almost 14 percent of the RDA for adult women and almost 11 percent of the RDA for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Phosphorous can be found in every cell in the body, although most of it is in the bones and teeth, as it helps with producing strong teeth and bones. Phosphorous is an essential mineral that helps your body break down carbohydrates and fats. It also assists in the production and maintenance of cells and tissues. A 2-ounce serving of fresh ginger juice contains a little over 12 percent of the recommended dietary intake of phosphorous for adults, with 85 milligrams of phosphorous per serving.

Vitamin C
A natural antioxidant, vitamin C helps your body’s cells defend themselves from free radicals and environmental toxins, which can cause premature aging and cell death. Vitamin C also helps with the production of collagen, which repairs and produces tendons, cartilage, bones, ligaments and blood vessels. A 2-ounce serving of ginger juice contains 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C. This is almost 14 percent of the dietary reference intake for adult men, over 16 percent of the DRI for adult women, almost 15 percent of the DRI for pregnant women and over 10 percent of the DRI for women who are breastfeeding.

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