Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 4, 2016

How Drinking Coffee Could Improve Your Health

If you rely on coffee to get through the day, or just to get it started, you might be lacking sleep or something in your diet. Nobody, after all, is ever going to mistake coffee for health food.

But like wine, chocolate and popcorn, coffee has joined the ranks of unlikely foods with health benefits. An increasing body of research has found that drinking coffee—even four or more cups per day in some instances—provides health benefits. And a 13-year study of 402,260 AARP members conducted by the National Cancer Institute, which was published May 17 in the "New England Journal of Medicine," concluded that devoted coffee drinkers were associated with a reduced risk of early death by up to 16 percent.

“This is perhaps the most compelling because the study was so large,” says Robert Davis, at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and author of “Coffee is Good for You: From Vitamin C and Organic Foods to Low-Carb and Detox Diets, The Truth About Diet and Nutrition Claims.” He noted that the study was observational, so it doesn’t prove cause and it effect.

Though drinking coffee excessively can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol and foster a dependence on caffeine, here are ten areas where coffee consumption just might be beneficial – if you limit the cream and sugar.

1. Gallstone Prevention
Harvard researchers in 2002 found that women who drank at least four cups of coffee a day were at a 25 percent lower risk of gallstones. An earlier study found similar results for men.

2. Depression Prevention
Women who drank two to three cups of daily coffee were 15 percent less likely to develop depression, and those drinking four cups were 20 percent less likely, according to a 2011 report in the "Archives of Internal Medicine."

3. Memory Improvement
Coffee can help with both long- and short-term memory. In a 2005 study presented at the Radiological Society of North America, researchers found that consuming two cups of caffeinated coffee improved short-term memory and reaction times.

Interestingly, a 2007 study found that women -- but not men -- who were 65 or older who drank more than three cups of coffee each day performed better on memory tests and were less likely to show memory decline than those who drank just one cup a day.

Although researchers have known for some time that coffee can decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, researchers at the University of South Florida in 2011 found that a distinctive interaction between caffeine and coffee might be why. They recommend drinking four to five cups daily, starting in middle age, to increase GCSF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, which is decreased in Alzheimer’s patients and improves memory in mice.

4. Less Risk for Diabetes
Studies suggest that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, with those putting away four or more cups daily 50 percent less likely. A January 2012 report in the 'Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry" might explain why. It attributes the effect to compounds in coffee that block hIAPP, a polypeptide that can result in abnormal protein fibers, which are found in people with Type 2.

5. Decreases Cancer Risk
Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased risk of breast, endometrial, prostate and liver cancers, and those linked with obesity, estrogen and insulin. A 2008 Swedish study found that drinking at least two to three cups a day reduced the risk or delayed the onset of breast cancer.

A 2011 study in "Breast Cancer Research" found that drinking five or more cups could translate into a 20 percent less chance of developing estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer. And, citing research on coffee’s effect on diabetes, researches also found that drinking more than four cups a day was linked with a 25 percent reduced risk for endometrial cancer.

But it’s not just the women who luck out. A recent study out of the Harvard School of Public Health found that both regular and decaf coffee resulted in reduced risk of prostate cancer.

6. Metabolism Boost
Coffee might help you maintain -- or even lose -- weight. A study as far back as 1980 found that the caffeine found in coffee stimulates the metabolism, but that only “normal,” rather than obese, subjects experienced greater oxidation of fat.

A 2006 study confirmed that the metabolism-boosting benefits of coffee were greater -- and lasted longer -- in lean women. More recently, researchers discovered that ground green coffee beans taken as a supplement seemed to promote weight loss -- an average of 17 pounds in obese adults during a 22-week period. Researchers didn’t think it was the caffeine; rather, they credited the chlorogenic acid, which might reduce glucose absorption.

7. Lower Risk for Parkinson’s Disease
The "Journal of the American Medical Association" in 2000 found that the caffeine intake associated with coffee translated into a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s. A 2010 study found that drinking two to three cups of coffee daily can mean up to a 25 percent less chance of developing the disease.

8. Antioxidative Properties
Harvard researcher Edward Giovannucci, in research published in "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention," noted that coffee has more antioxidants than most vegetables and fruits. In fact, a 2005 study found that coffee is the No. 1 source for antioxidants in the American diet. That’s a reflection of the volume of coffee consumed in this country, and how much is making it into the bloodstream is unclear.

9. Performance-Enhancing Benefits
Coffee -- and the caffeine in it -- has been shown in multiple studies to increase both endurance and short-term performance. A 2008 study concluded that the benefit of caffeine before exercise occurs during endurance events, stop-and-go events and long-term high-intensity activity. It also can help athletes perform better during strength training -- even when sleep-deprived -- if taken one hour before exercise at the rate of 4 mg for every kg of body weight.

10. Gout Prevention
A 2007 study of men older than 40 linked long-term coffee consumption with a lower risk of gout, an inflammatory condition caused by elevated levels of uric acid. Decaf and regular both had an effect, and those drinking six cups a day experienced as much as a 60 percent lower risk of gout.

Beet Juice For Weight Loss

Beets are usually roasted or boiled and eaten cooked, although you can shave them raw and add them to salads. Raw beets can also be made into a fresh juice using a juicer, extracting the nutrients from the root vegetable. This makes for an easy way to consume the health benefits of beets. A 1-cup serving of raw beets makes 1/2 cup of fresh beet juice. While you're better off eating beets than drinking beet juice, the juice can fit into a healthful weight-loss diet.

Naturally Sweet
As it is naturally sweet-tasting, substituting fresh beet juice for a sugary drink, such as soda, can help reduce your added sugar intake intake, which can help with weight loss over the long term. One-half cup of beet juice has just over 9 grams of sugar per serving, while a 12-ounce serving of cola has almost 40 grams of added sugar. The American Heart Association recommends having no more than 100 to 150 of your daily calories coming from added sugar. A diet high in added sugar can increase your risk of weight gain. Added sugars are considered empty calories, as they have no other nutritional benefit, whereas the natural sugars found in beet juice go hand in hand with essential minerals and vitamins.

Dietary Fiber Content
Juicers extract all the insoluble fiber from beets during the juicing process, but they preserve the soluble fiber, roughly half the the total dietary fiber content. This means that a 1/2-cup serving of beet juice has 1.9 grams of dietary fiber per serving. You can also mix in the extracted fiber with your fresh juice to get the full 3.8 grams of dietary fiber. If you do so, add 1/2 cup of water to thin out the texture. Dietary fiber increases bulk in your diet, helping you feel fuller with less food, leading to a lower calorie intake that helps with weight loss. A regular serving of beet juice will give you 5 percent to 7.6 percent of the recommended intake of dietary fiber, while beet juice with the added fiber will provide 10 percent to 15 percent.

Potential Benefits of Leucine
Leucine is an amino acid that is naturally present in beets. It may potentially help reduce body fat levels by increasing protein availability and lean muscle mass. In a study published in a 2006 issue of "Nutrition," scientists found that leucine supplementation in adult rats led to lower body fat percentages, although it did not lead to lower overall body weight. The researchers concluded that while long-term human study was still needed, leucine was possibly helpful in reducing overall body fat percentages, even at low supplementation levels. But it's not yet known if just consuming leucine through your diet has the same effects.

Higher Vegetable Intake
Vegetables are important for a healthy, balanced diet, which is needed for healthy weight loss. A 1/2-cup serving of regular beet juice counts as 1/2 cup of veggies, so it can help you meet the 2 to 3 cups of vegetables recommended per day by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Having a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in vegetables can help you reach your weight-loss goals, as the quantity and quality of food in your diet greatly affects your weight, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. A diet that includes your full vegetable recommendation is also key for maintaining lost weight so that your hard work is not wasted.

Should You Stretch Before or After a Workout?

Some coaches, trainers and textbooks recommend stretching before and after your workout because it can help your performance and reduce the risk of injuries. However, numerous research studies has shown that some types of stretching can enhance your workout while others do not improve or reduce your athletic capabilities. Exercise physiologist Len Kravitz recommends that you perform dynamic stretching before your workout and static stretching afterward.

Dynamic Vs. Static
Dynamic flexibility is often used as a warmup to stimulate your nervous system and muscles to be better prepared for the upcoming activity. It involves moving your muscles and joints repetitively within your range of motion. The movement is usually specific to the exercise or sport that you're going to play. For example, soccer players warm up by doing leg and hip swings in different directions, and boxers do a couple of standing torso and shoulder twists while working on their footwork and punches. Static stretching, which involves stretching a muscle for 20 to 30 seconds, decreases neural stimulation to the muscles and enhances relaxation. This type of stretching is usually non-sports specific, working on fixed muscle groups instead of movement like dynamic stretching. Therefore, static stretching should be performed after a workout.

Effects of Stretching
Dynamic stretching has been shown to improve athletic performance before training. A study performed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that subjects who performed dynamic stretching had significantly improved their strength and power during the vertical jump test. The other two groups in which one group performed static stretching and the other group performed no stretching showed no positive or negative effects in the test. Static stretching can decrease athletes' sprinting ability. In a study performed at Middle Tennessee State University, soccer players who performed static stretching before a bout of 30-meter sprints resulted in slower performance than those who didn't perform static stretching. Researchers concluded that athletes who are in sports that require sprinting should avoid static stretching as part of their warmups.

Sample Stretches
Dynamic stretching emphasizes full-body movements that can be performed with just your body weight or with certain tools. These include clockwork lunges, yoga series such as Sun Salutation, martial art katas, medicine ball swings and chops and standing butt kicks. Simpler dynamic stretching can also include neck rolls, shoulder rolls and jumping jacks. Static stretching include all kinds of stretches that you may recall from your middle-school physical education classes, including the seated groin stretch, standing toe touch, standing thigh stretch and lateral neck stretch. Always maintain a steady breathing rhythm in all your stretches.

Stretching too quickly and too far -- and sometimes too eagerly -- can cause your muscle fibers to contract and shorten reflexively. This reaction is called a stretch reflex, which is your body's defense to avoid tearing of your own joints and muscles. This can cause the muscle to be less responsive to length change and more sensitive to pressure and touch.

Benefits of Fresh Ginger Carrot Juice

Fruits and vegetables should form the foundation of a healthful diet, but as many as seven in 10 Americans fall short of their daily fruit and veggie intake, reports the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. Drinking juice, such as ginger carrot juice, as part of a balanced diet helps you boost your fruit and vegetable intake. A serving of carrot ginger juice -- made from 3/4 cup of fresh carrot juice and 1/4 cup of fresh ginger juice -- contains 129 calories to fuel your healthful lifestyle. It offers numerous health benefits because of its nutrient content.

Healthy Immune Function
Carrot and ginger juice has a beneficial effect on your immune system thanks to its supply of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps the stem cells in your bone marrow develop into white blood cells -- the family of cells tasked with finding and destroying disease-causing pathogens. A cup of carrot ginger juice boasts 33,412 international units of vitamin A -- your entire daily recommended intake. Each cup of juice also provides you with 15 milligrams of vitamin C -- 20 percent of the recommended daily intake for women and 16 percent for men. Vitamin C also helps you produce white blood cells and protects these cells from damage.

Healthy Skin
Drink carrot ginger juice for healthy skin. The vitamin C found in the juice helps boost collagen production, a process needed for wound healing, as well as to keep your skin strong. It also serves as a source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that provides natural protection from the sun's harmful rays. Vitamin E regulates skin inflammation and can help reduce fluid buildup and swelling in your skin. A cup of carrot ginger juice provides you with 1.5 milligrams of vitamin E -- 10 percent of the recommended daily intake.

Cancer Protection
Ginger carrot juice offers all-natural cancer protection. It contributes to a diet rich in vitamin C, which is associated with a lower risk of several cancers, including breast and stomach cancers. The gingerols present in ginger juice also promote ovarian cancer cell death, according to a test tube study published in the "European Journal of Pharmacology" in 2012. An additional test tube study, published in "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" in 2012, found that gingerols can also stunt colon cancer cell growth.

Cardiovascular Health
Several nutrients in carrot ginger juice also benefit your cardiovascular health. The gingerols in ginger juice interact with a protein called angiotensin II type 1 receptor, which helps regulate blood pressure, according to a study published in "Planta Medica" in 2013. As a result, the gingerol in your juice might help lower your blood pressure, which could in turn reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. The vitamin C in ginger carrot juice also contributes to these beneficial effects, helping to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

3-Day Body Cleanse

The three-day body cleanse is a method of cleansing the body utilizing a variety of herbs that occurs over a three-day period. Created by Dr. John Christopher, the cleanse is designed to rid the body of waste by cleaning skin pores, eliminating accumulated waste in the intestines and purging the lungs, kidneys and liver of excess toxins. The cleanse is the first step in a full-body detoxification process offering individuals better health and weight management, and offers a few basic and easy to perform steps.

Step 1
Drink approximately 16 ounces of unsweetened prune juice on the first morning of the cleanse. Be prepared to make several trips to the bathroom, although the prune juice will do more than just clean out your bowels. The prune juice is also meant to help draw excess toxins from other organs in the body, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and stomach into the intestines for elimination.

After waiting approximately 30 minutes, drink an 8-ounce glass of pure, natural or undiluted apple juice. This apple juice should be thicker than what people normally think of as clear, coppery looking apple juice. Another 30 minutes later, you need to drink a glass of purified or distilled water, followed another 30 minutes later with another glass of apple juice.

If you do not care for apple juice, you may substitute several other types of juices in this cleanse, including carrot, citrus, tomato or grape juice. However, it is suggested that you stick to one specific type of juice to drink throughout the three-day cleanse.

Step 2
Drink the apple juice and water repetition throughout the day, every 30 minutes. At the end of the day, you will have consumed about a gallon each of apple juice and water. This cleanse is best done in the privacy of your home, where you can have access to the bathroom. The combination of prune juice, apple juice and water will place a temporary strain on the urinary tract and bowels as the cleansing continually works through the body.

Step 3
Repeat this process for three days, not eating any solid foods during this time. If you get really hungry, you can eat some raw vegetables like carrots or apples, or match the raw fruit to the type of juice you're drinking with the water-juice routine. If you have any medical conditions or take prescription drugs, discuss the cleanse with your doctor. Individuals may expect to become constipated, a condition caused by the breakdown of mucus that is generated from the release of toxins in the body as they make their way into the lower intestine or colon. You may drink an extra glass of prune juice to help alleviate any cramping or discomfort. The cleanse also works best if the individual takes between 1 and 2 tablespoons of olive oil three times a day to help soothe and lubricate the liver and liver bile ducts. On the fourth and subsequent days, gradually add raw vegetables and fruits to the diet to re-incorporate solid food.

Things You'll Need
Unsweetened prune juice

Egg Mask for Acne

Dealing with blemishes can be a bumpy ride. However, there are things you can do in conjunction with using acne-fighting cleansers and medications to help weather the pimply storm. Create an egg-white acne facial mask at home and apply it weekly to help banish your blemishes and soothe your irritated skin.

Why Egg Whites Help
Eggs are a good source of protein which, when applied to the skin, can diminish large pores. Because eggs are high in vitamin A, which is used to treat scars, egg whites may help smooth acne lesions. In addition, the protein in eggs serves as a mild astringent for oily skin and a firming agent to keep skin from sagging.

Making the Mask
After you separate the yolk from the egg white. Whisk the egg white into a creamy froth. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Whisk a bit more to combine. Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and rich in alpha hydroxy acids, which can exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores. Apply the egg mask to your skin using either your fingertips or a soft-bristled pastry brush. Wait about 30 minutes for the egg white to dry.

Follow-Up Care
Rinse off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Apply a noncomedogenic, oil-free and perfume-free moisturizer to your face. It's important to moisturize afterward because the egg mask is drying. Moisturizing the skin returns necessary hydration to your skin so your body doesn't produce oil to compensate.

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2016

5 Fruits You Should Not Eat to Reduce Belly Fat

With more than 2 in 3 adults and one-third of all children in the United States qualifying as being overweight or obese, stubborn belly fat has become a major health concern that affects people of both genders and practically all age groups. Fructose has been blamed for contributing to this epidemic -- more than 10 percent of the average American’s daily calories come from fructose, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Fruit, a natural source of fructose, has been vilified by some in the process. While fruit is generally healthy, there are a few kinds of processed fruit you should limit or avoid when you’re trying to lose weight.

Fruit Packed in Syrup
Although the amount of fructose in a serving of fresh fruit is a fraction of what you’d get from a sugary beverage or a rich dessert, fresh fruit that’s been preserved in sugar is another story. Such fruit is typically kept in the center aisles of the grocery store, where you can typically find canned or bottled fruit cocktails, peaches, apricots, pineapple, mangoes, pears, cherries and mandarin oranges. While some of these fruits are packed in water, many are packed in light or heavy syrup or even sugary gelatin, which can greatly increase their sugar content. For example, you’ll get just under 13 grams of sugar from a cup of fresh peach slices, whereas a cup of peach slices preserved in heavy syrup provides almost 33 grams of sugar.

Fruit Juice
The fiber in whole fruit helps control the rate at which your body absorbs its natural sugars, which is part of what makes whole fruit a healthy choice, despite its fructose content. When fruit is stripped of its fiber, as it is when it’s juiced, not only does your body absorb its sugar faster, but there’s more sugar to absorb. It can take several pieces of fruit to make one glass of fruit juice, which is what makes juice a more concentrated source of sugar. So even though the U.S. Department of Agriculture counts a cup of 100-percent fruit juice as a serving of fruit, it’s not the best option when you’re trying to lose weight.

One cup of unsweetened grape juice has 150 calories and 36 grams of sugar, while a cup of seedless grapes has 100 calories and 23 grams of sugar.

Blended Fruit Drinks
Blended fruit drinks, or smoothies, are sometimes perceived as healthier than juice because they aren’t pressed and filtered; instead, they’re pulverized. While this does mean that many smoothies offer some amount of fiber, it’s less than what you would have gotten from the whole fruits that went into the beverage, and some of it is not of the same quality -- pulverizing insoluble fiber changes its structure and affects the way it behaves in your digestive tract, according to a 2012 review on dietary fiber published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology. Many commercially produced fruit smoothies pack a lot of fruit into a single serving, which means you’ll ingest a lot of calories and sugar when you drink them -- an 8-ounce serving of one commercially produced mango smoothie provides 150 calories, 30 grams of sugar and no dietary fiber.

Sweetened Dried Fruit
Dried fruit has something in common with fruit juice – it takes the calories and sugar of whole fruit and concentrates it. A big problem with dried fruit is that many varieties are processed with added sugars. Blueberries are a prime example – you’ll get about 130 calories and 27 grams of sugar from 1/4 cup of dried, sweetened blueberries, whereas a cup of fresh blueberries has just 80 calories and less than 15 grams of sugar. Although unsweetened dried fruit has a leg up on juice -- it retains most of its nutrients and fiber, which also become highly concentrated -- its compact package makes overindulgence more likely. If you can avoid sweetened dried fruit and keep yourself to a single serving of dried fruit -- which is about 1/4 cup, in most cases -- you’ll actually get about the same level of nutrients as you would from a single serving of the same fresh fruit.

Fruit-Based Snacks
The various processed fruit-based snacks aimed at children aren’t all that healthy and certainly won’t help your waistline. Even products that are all-natural, contain no added sugars and claim to count toward your fruit intake aren’t nearly as good for you as the real thing -- they’re typically made from concentrated fruit puree, which means they often contain little or no fiber. They also tend to contain fewer vitamins and minerals than their source fruits. Fruit-based snacks include fruit chews, fruit strips and fruit leathers. A large fruit leather has about 80 calories, more than 10 grams of sugar and no dietary fiber.

Fruit and Reducing Belly Fat
When it comes to weight loss and weight management, fresh fruit has a lot to offer -- it’s nutrient-dense, relatively low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Its natural sweetness is a healthy alternative when you want to satisfy your cravings for baked goods and other sugary food products. Eating fruit probably isn’t what caused you to gain belly fat in the first place, and eliminating the high-calorie, low-nutrient foods that more likely did -- in addition to getting more active -- would help you reach your goals more readily than would avoiding most kinds of fruit.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads With Tomatoes

Most acne pimples, including blackheads, occur when pores become clogged with dirt, dead skin cells and sebum, your skin's natural oil. Tomatoes, which are high in vitamin C, vitamin A and citric acid, are a natural blackhead remedy. They're much less costly than commercial acne formulations and may be less irritating to the skin. Tomatoes can be used alone or mixed with avocado, lemon or lime juice to create a facial mask. If you're out of fresh tomatoes, tomato paste can also be applied as a mask.

Step 1
Slice both the tomato and the lime or lemon in half.

Step 2
Use a hand juicer to collect the juice from half the lemon or lime. Pour the juice into a bowl and discard any seeds.

Step 3
Use the juicer to separate the tomato juice from the pulp. Hold the juicer over the bowl and allow the tomato juice to mix with the lime juice. Squeeze both halves of the tomato and save the juice mixture to use as an astringent later. You may wish to pour it into a small glass bottle and add a little water to dilute it, but it can also be used full-strength to tone skin after cleansing.

Step 4
Scoop the tomato pulp from the juicer and into the second bowl. Use a spoon if necessary to scrape the pulp from the skins.

Step 5
Lie back and spread the tomato pulp over your face, concentrating around the edges of your nose, where blackheads tend to accumulate. Leave the pulp on for 15 minutes.

Step 6
Wash your face with warm water and a mild soap and pat dry.

Things You'll Need
1 ripe tomato
Lemon or lime
Metal hand juicer
2 bowls
Glass bottle (optional)
Spoon (optional)

The Benefits of Using a Foam Roller Pre/Post Workout

Foam rollers are effective for increasing flexibility, but when are they best utilized? The answer to that question isn’t necessarily limited to when it’s most beneficial to use a foam roller. It’s rather a matter of how. According to National Academy of Sports Medicine CEO and founder Mike Clark (h/t, practically everyone fails to properly utilize foam rollers. Correctly using a foam roller before strenuous exercise can decrease your chances of contracting an injury and improve your workout.

Tension release from problem areas
Your basic instinct to gently roll back-and-forth consistently won’t yield optimal results from using a foam roller. Instead, it’s important to apply pressure on problem areas of your body, such as the hip flexors and glutes. Hip flexor strain is a common outcome of daily physical activity, like sitting upright in a desk chair during an eight-hour workday. It’s also a primary point of concentration for mild lower back pain. You can effectively release the tension in your hip flexors, and other problem areas of the body, by rolling your hips on a foam roller for approximately one to two minutes before a workout.

Optimized range of motion
Stretching is widely conceived as an important element of pre-workout activity, but conventional stretching technique does not directly target muscle receptors and tendons. While it’s entirely possible to warm-up each major muscle group through stretching, using a foam roller can help prepare tendons for strenuous activity and also decrease muscular-tension imbalances. Foam rolling can help increase your body’s overall range of motion and enable you to perform explosive weightlifting exercises with greater authority.

Decreased muscular imbalance
Muscular imbalances refer to certain muscle groups within the body being stronger than others. Over time, it’s likely that you’ve noticed peculiar variations in how your body reacts to strenuous exercise. For example, it’s possible you’ve realized your quadriceps are able to handle more weight in the squat rack than your chest can tolerate on the bench press. While this is relatively common among active gym-goers, it could be an outcome of muscular imbalance. Clark emphasizes that foam rollers activate the Golgi tendon organ, which effectively allows conventional stretching to activate muscle receptors. This process helps create balance within the body, thus enabling you to exercise at optimal capacity.

Increased strength and flexibility
According to research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a dynamic warm-up model will increase strength in the quadriceps and flexibility in the hamstrings. A conventional warm-up period typically consists of moderate stretching activity and low-intensity exercise. However, combining the use of a foam roller with a regular stretching regimen, and performing five minutes of moderately intense cardiovascular activity, such as spinning, has the potential to enhance your body’s ability to execute strenuous exercises. Although research regarding foam rolling and its correlative effect on exercise remains limited, experts like Clark tout foam rollers ability to stimulate muscle receptors, which aid the process of lengthening muscle fibers.

Enhanced effectiveness of stretching
The ultimate benefit of utilizing a foam roller both before and after a workout is that it enhances the effectiveness of conventional stretching methods. Foam rollers apply deep pressure to problem areas, especially those in the pelvic region. This consequently activates muscle receptors, which increases your overall range of motion, decreases muscular imbalance, and helps maximize your strength and flexibility.

How to Treat Menopause-Related Hair Loss

Dermatologist Noah Scheinfeld estimates that up to 75 percent of menopausal women suffer from female pattern hair loss. Menopausal women with this condition often see extensive hair loss from the top of their head. They also might notice that individual strands of hair become smaller in diameter, which increases the appearance of excessive hair loss. According to Scheinfeld, the role of hormones in female alopecia is not yet understood, and therefore there are limited options in treating menopause-related hair loss.

Step 1
Visit your doctor. It is easy to assume your hair loss, like your hot flashes, is a symptom of menopause, but it could have other causes. Your doctor can examine your scalp and review your general health to ensure there are no underlying medical causes for your hair loss.

Step 2
Talk to your doctor about using minoxidil if there are no underlying medical causes for your hair loss. Minoxidil, commercially known as Rogaine, is the only FDA-approved drug for treating female pattern hair loss. You can purchase the 2 percent topical product over the counter at many drugstores and some beauty supply stores.

Step 3
Use minoxidil as directed. In most cases, you apply minoxidil topically twice a day to the scalp in the area where you are experiencing thinning. It might take up to four months before you see any type of regrowth, and if you stop applying the minoxidil you probably will lose any hair that you have regrown.

Step 4
Take 300 mcg of biotin supplements daily. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, biotin supplements have been shown to have limited ability to regrow hair in children. No clinical data conclusively proves that taking biotin can cause hair in women to regrow. However, biotin is an essential B vitamin connected with the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids needed to manufacture the protein the body uses to create skin, hair and nails. Talk to your doctor before taking any supplement.

Step 5
Massage your scalp regularly to increase the blood flow. Increasing the blood flow to your scalp can help encourage the delivery of more nutrients to your hair follicles, which might help to encourage hair regrowth. You can massage your scalp yourself using the pads of your fingertips or visit an acupuncturist who can use a special tool to increase the blood flow in your scalp.

Step 6
Use aromatherapy to encourage hair regrowth. Lavender, rosemary, thyme and cedarwood are traditionally used to encourage hair growth. Mix one to two drops of these essential oils into a carrier oil like jojoba, and apply to your scalp one to two times a week for the best results.

How to Clear Acne With Lemon Juice

Acne vulgaris, or acne, occurs in 40 to 50 million individuals in the U.S. and is the most common skin condition, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Acne occurs from excess oil buildup, clogged pores, inflammation and bacteria. Over-the-counter products are available to treat acne breakouts, but they can be pricey. Lemon juice is a home remedy for acne treatment and is inexpensive compared to the acne products at stores. Lemons contain a natural astringent and antibacterial agent that acts as an exfoliant to help remove dead skin cells faster and prevent clogged pores. Lemon juice is not a substitute for medical treatment; consult with your health care provider to discuss any potential risks or if your condition worsens.

Lemon Juice Wash

Step 1
Cleanse your skin with mild soap and water. Apply a small amount of soap to a washcloth and gently scrub your skin to remove any oil or dirt buildup, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, dermatologists suggest washing your face once or twice daily with warm water and a mild cleanser.

Step 2
Cut a fresh lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl. After use, you can cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and save for another treatment.

Step 3
Dip a cotton ball into the lemon juice and squeeze out the excess liquid. Apply the lemon juice directly to the affected area of skin. Repeat dipping the cotton ball in lemon juice and applying it to your skin until you cover all affected areas.

Step 4
Wait 10 minutes. Allow the lemon juice to dry on your skin. However, if the lemon juice is causing severe stinging or discomfort, then remove it immediately by rinsing it off with cool water.

Step 5
Rinse the skin area with cool water to remove the lemon juice residue, and then dry with a towel.

Step 6
Repeat the lemon juice wash twice daily to help reduce or eliminate acne.

Lemon Juice and Rose Water

Step 1
Cleanse your skin with a mild soap and water while gently scrubbing with a washcloth. Rinse and dry your skin with a clean towel.

Step 2
Combine equal parts of lemon juice and rose water in a bowl. Rose water has natural antibacterial properties, is a skin toner and helps to reduce the acidic nature of lemon juice.

Step 3
Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and squeeze to remove any excess liquid. Apply the product directly to your affected skin areas.

Step 4
Let the product stay on your skin for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. Dry your skin with a towel.

Step 5
Repeat the lemon juice and rose water treatment twice daily, or as needed.

Avoid using lemon juice around your eyes. In addition, lemon juice is an exfoliant and removes the dead skin cells that promote new skin growth--this fresh skin may be sensitive to the sunlight, so avoiding sun exposure or wearing sunscreen is advised.

Perform a small skin test before applying lemon juice remedies to large areas of your skin. If you are using straight lemon juice, you many experience a mild stinging sensation upon application; however, if the stinging is uncomfortable or causes redness or inflammation, you can dilute the lemon juice with water using a one-to-one mixture.

Things You'll Need
Mild soap
Cotton ball
Lemon, fresh or juice
Rose water

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 4, 2016

The Truth About Belly Fat

Visible abdominal muscles are seen as the ultimate sign of athleticism, discipline and aesthetics by both the public and fitness professionals alike.

Messages like ‘Abs are made in the kitchen, built in the gym’, ‘Earned not given’ are popular, making it seem like sheer will power alone is the reason some people have them and others don’t.

The belly facts
There are a few things that can influence why we hold fat around our mid-section. Ranging from genetics, diet, hormones and gender, I’ll tackle these one by one. First the facts.

• Visible abs are not simply a result of crunches, planks or v-sits but more the overall percentage of body fat you have.

• Visible abs are not an indicator of core strength, there are many larger athletes with exceptionally high core strength.

• There’s a minimum level of fat needed to support your metabolic processes, if you get too lean to see your six pack, your body may stop functioning at a basic level thus digestion and menstruation become compromised.

• ‘Visceral fat’ around the vital organs is a growing public health concern. So while belly fat is obvious on ‘apple’ shaped people, visible abs can be a red herring as to the metabolic health status of a person.

• People with metabolic syndrome typically have apple-shaped bodies and carry a lot of weight around the middle. It’s thought that having a pear-shaped body, narrower waist and wider hips, lowers the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and other complications of metabolic syndrome.

 There are three layers of abdominal muscles. The superficial rectus abdominis (your visible six pack) is just one. The deeper core muscles, transversus abdominis, obliques, diaphragm and pelvic floor, work to stabilize the spine, improve mobility, breathing, and posture.

• If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you may have loose skin preventing you from seeing definition on your stomach. You can still build your abs, though excess skin cannot generally be tightened through diet and exercise.

Key factors influencing belly fat

Genetic potential
Some people are genetically predisposed to having less belly fat because they’re a naturally lean body type. There are three body types; ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Typical ectomorphs are long and lean, mesomorphs classically athletic and endomorphs smaller and wider.

Where your body first stores fat tends to be the last place it’s lost.

Your body type, fat percentage, strength and flexibility is somewhat inherited and there’s an element of working with what you’ve got to maximise outcomes, set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

Understanding your genetic start point and how your body naturally responds to diet and exercise can go a long way to supporting your health and fitness goals.

Nutrition is the foundation for any health and fitness outcome. You cannot out train a poor diet. As a general rule, 70% of your result whatever your goal tends to come from the foods you eat, 20% from exercise and 10% from rest and recovery.

Good nutrition supports hormonal balance and a healthy digestive system, both of which are required to reduce belly fat.

Inflammation of the gut and poor digestion can often make you appear bloated around the middle.

To address this, start by reducing or completely removing refined sugar and processed foods. Be mindful of your alcohol consumption; choose whole fresh organic produce where possible.

Many processed foods have no nutritional value, contain additives and are linked to obesity. Increasing the amount of fibre in your diet will support digestion, as will staying hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water throughout the day.

Hormones are chemical messengers that carry signals around the body. These signals are often determined by the food you eat and emotional balance you maintain. Insulin resistance is a hormonal imbalance and often the cause of belly fat.

When we eat, our blood sugar levels spike and a hormone called insulin is released to help manage this.

If this happens too often and drastically, our body stops responding to the insulin and becomes ‘insulin resistant’ a consequence of which are cravings and excess body fat, particularly around the belly. Insulin resistance is a precursor to metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Prolonged stress can elevate levels of the ‘stress’ hormone cortisol, leading to fatigue and belly fat.

It’s also thought that increased exposure to cortisol is associated with more belly fat in women.

Managing your blood sugar levels with nutritional therapy and mood enhancing foods, alongside stress reduction techniques like deep mindful breathing, can help to rebalance hormones and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Men and women metabolise and store fat differently.

Women have a naturally higher percentage of overall body fat specifically in the hips, butt, and legs, whereas men tend to gain weight in the upper body.

Women’s bodies can change after having children, the abdominal wall may become weaker and there could be loose skin around the tummy reducing the likelihood of seeing a six pack.

As a result, it’s important to use both resistance training to build muscle and high intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn fat.

Training methods like CrossFit incorporate HIIT and resistance training, creating an ‘after burn’ effect, boosting your metabolism as your body continues to burn calories post workout.

The truth about belly fat is…
There are many reasons, some beyond your control, as to why you either struggle with developing a six pack or find it easy. Lifestyle and consistency are major factors.

So ensure you get enough sleep, incorporate resistance training into your workouts, limit processed foods, manage stress and be mindful of your alcohol consumption.

You can build your abs like any part of the body. However to see them, you have to lose the fat obscuring them. Fat cannot be lost from specific areas via ‘spot reduction’, it’s all or nothing.

To lose excess body fat, you must move more and eat smarter. And if you work towards strength and health as primary goals, ‘the beach body’ including washboard abs may be the bi-product.

Best 20 Minute Workout After Work

So you went to work again today…sigh.

Until you become independently rich, probably by winning the lottery, or some such thing, you may have to keep going to work.

Going to work
The reason you need to got to work is simple. You need the money. The reason you need the money, is to keep you in the life style that you have became accustomed. You need to pay the rent, or the mortgage, you need to pay for your car or whatever mode of transport you use.

You like to go out at the weekend and you enjoy shopping. You have to eat, and you may be responsible for other people all around you that also need to eat, as well as other things.

The list is endless. So off to work.

Now the fact that you are reading this means that you have more than a casual interest in fitness. You may have a gym membership, or enjoy attending classes. Both of these things will also be a reason that you keep going to work.

Making it work in just 2o minutes
Keeping fit ain’t cheap, you need the right shoes, the current fitness wear, your Fitbit, your protein shake and of course your price of admission. Another reason that you keep going to work.

So here’s a thought.

What if you had a cool 20 minutes set aside twice a week, scheduled for when you finish work, that made you really look forward to going to work?

A brilliant 20 minute fitness session that you really looked forward to, that made going to work that day a joy instead of a chore. Easy!

The best 20 minute workout

Try the following.

Finish Work.

Get changed into your gym gear immediately, actually maybe go somewhere private first just in case, but do it the minute you clock off. Get outside and get ready to start.

Use your wearable tech to keep your timing right, your phone will also have a timer, or even use a watch (remember them?).

Warm up
Warm up with a gentle run around the building. If you don’t work in a building, find another one and run around it. If running aint your thing, power walk your way around, we just want your heart rate up before we really get going.

This warm up should last 5 minutes.

Ok, you are slightly warmer so we can increase your output a little.

Start your post work workout with cardio
After the day you have had, you will want to get rid of all the pent up tension and aggression you have accumulated during the day, especially after spending an hour with Clive from Accounts, so we are bringing out the big guns already and starting with 60 seconds of shuttle runs, or sprints.

1. Pick a point A and a point B and getting sprinting back and forth between them. Go as fast as you can and when your minute is up take a few seconds rest. Your next minute will be spent on the ground for mountain climbers.

2. Get on the palms of your hands and bring alternate knees in towards you, holding your core tight. After a minute rest.

3. Your 3rd minute of cardio will be everyone’s favourite, Burpees, give me another minute. Have another rest.

4. We are now finishing the cardio section with high knees, running on the spot and lifting those knees as high as possible. Another minute and your are done.

So 5 minutes warm up, 4 minutes exercise with a break in between should take you to around 10 minutes.

Now we are switching to toning and strengthening exercises
We are starting with a minute of planking. Onto the elbows, get in good alignment and hold the pose for minute 1.

After a rest, switch systems at get going going with your press ups. Go for good form, and really get those arms, chests and shoulders working, aim for 1 minute.

Have a quick rest and get back into your plank position for minute 3.

When completed, flip over and get those stomach muscles working with a minute of your favorite sit ups.

All done? Good, it’s back to the plank for the last time. I imagine you are really feeling those core stability muscles by now.

That’s another 4 minutes, with a minute for rest time, taking you to 5 minutes, which leaves you 5 minutes to go.

Final five minutes
Up onto your feet as we target hips, highs and gluts.

Start with a basic squat. Get good positioning and lower yourself into squat, then return nice and quick. 1 minute at a brisk pace is what we require here. Change for minute 2, go for forward single leg lunges.

Watch your technique, alternate legs for 1 minute then move onto the next move. Still on the leg muscles, go for alternate reverse leg lunges, really feel those muscles start to burn.

Minute 4 and we are finishing with a minute of squat jumps. Go into squat then propel yourself upwards int a jump, land in squat and repeat for a minute.

Take time to stretch
Use the remainder of your time to stretch and bingo, 20 minute after work workout.

Once your colleagues see the great time you are having, it won’t be long before they are asking to join in.

Your 20 minute workout is just long enough as to not be a great commitment, and it will make your working day go quicker as you look forward to getting to your very own fitness session.

Herbal Shampoos for Hair Growth

Herbal shampoos contain essential oils that can promote hair growth and help premature balding and thinning hair. If you can't find a commercial shampoo that uses the herb you need, you can make your own by mixing 9 ounces of distilled water with 3 ounces castile soap, 1/4 teaspoon jojoba oil and 25-to-30 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Examples of essential oils that promote the growth of hair are basil, peppermint and rosemary, reports herbalist Rosemary Gladstar in "Family Herbal -- A Guide to Living Life With Energy, Health and Vitality."

Basil (Ocimum basilicum), is member of the Lamiaceae, or mint, family. When added to shampoo formulas, basil essential oil helps stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes hair growth, says the website Aromatherapy at Home. It is also an antimicrobial agent that will help treat dandruff and flaky scalp and will reduce oiliness that can cause fungal infections. When applying basil shampoo, massage it into your scalp in circular motions and let it permeate your entire head for at least five minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Peppermint (Mentha pipperita) is a common ingredient for hair growth shampoo formulas. Another member of the mint family, peppermint essential oil also increases the blood flowing to your scalp, which stimulates the hair follicles to grow hair faster. It also promotes the production of natural oils from your scalp to give your hair a moisturizing coating that will make your hair stronger and less susceptible to dryness, says acupuncturist David Crow in his book "The Pharmacy of Flowers."

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a third member of the Lamiaceae family that when used as an essential oil in shampoos helps increase hair growth. Folk medicine tradition uses it as a remedy for premature baldness, says Crow, and it strengthens the hair shaft as it stimulates circulation, making your hair look thicker and healthier.

A fourth member of the mint family, sage (Salvia officinalis) is used as a stimulant for growing hair in shampoo formulas. The essential oil has the same qualities as rosemary essential oil and is useful in balancing the amount of oil in the scalp, reports the website Ananda Apothecary. Its use is contraindicated during pregnancy and for young children.

The Effect of Black Tea on Weight Loss

More than 80 percent of all tea consumed in the United States is black tea. Black tea is packed with nutrients that are slightly different from those in green and white teas but -- like green tea -- black tea is linked to weight loss. You’ll get the same benefits from caffeine in both types of tea. And unique black tea flavonoids show promise that help you drop extra pounds. But you'll get the biggest impact by using black tea to replace high-calorie beverages.

Black Tea Flavonoids Support Weight Loss
A group of plant-based antioxidants called flavonoids, or polyphenols, are responsible for many of the health benefits associated with tea. All types of tea are made from the same plant leaves, which contain a group of flavonoids called catechins. In green tea, the primary flavonoids are catechins. When the leaves are further processed to produce black tea, the catechins form new flavonoids called theaflavins and thearubigins. Black tea may retain a small amount of catechins, but its health benefits come from the new flavonoids.

Research published so far suggests that black tea has the potential to support weight loss. The digestive enzyme lipase is inhibited in laboratory animals that consume black tea flavonoids. Since fats aren’t digested without lipase, some dietary fats are eliminated from the body rather than absorbed. When lab mice were fed a high-fat diet, the animals receiving a higher dose of black tea polyphenols lost more weight than the group that got fewer polyphenols, reported Nutrition in 2011.

Researchers also reported that energy expenditure -- or calories burned -- significantly increased after laboratory mice received a dose of theaflavins from black tea, according to PLoS One in September 2015. The studies published so far are promising, but they've only used lab animals. More research is needed in people to determine black tea’s impact on weight loss.

Caffeine Boosts Metabolism to Lose Weight
When you drink a cup of regular black tea, you’ll get 30 to 80 milligrams of caffeine. It only takes about 50 milligrams of caffeine to increase the amount of energy your body uses while at rest, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2009. While there’s no way to determine the exact effect on body weight, caffeine increased basal metabolism by 6 percent in the 12 study participants. Caffeine also promotes lipolysis -- the breakdown of stored fat -- and it stimulates cycles that metabolize fats.

Caffeine may help keep weight off for a longer period of time. Out of 2,000 people surveyed, nearly 500 people reported that they successfully lost weight and kept it off. The smaller group consumed significantly more coffee and caffeinated beverages compared to the other participants, reported the European Journal of Nutrition in November 2015. However, this survey only implies an association; it does not prove that drinking more caffeine caused the positive outcome.

MedlinePlus notes that most people can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine daily, which is 5 to 13 cups of black tea. Be aware that most products don’t report the amount of caffeine per cup, so you won’t know whether your tea is at the low or high end. People who are more sensitive to caffeine and those who have an irregular heart rhythm, high blood pressure or excess stress, may need to consume less than that recommended by the general intake guidelines.

Black Tea Reduces Calorie Consumption
Beyond the potential benefits of polyphenols and caffeine, black tea will help you lose weight if you use it as a replacement for high-calorie beverages. One cup of black tea only has 2 calories. Even if you add a teaspoon of honey, it still only has 23 calories. If you drink any type of sweetened beverage, switching it with black tea eliminates a significant number of calories. One cup of sweetened cola has 103 calories, but remember that a can of soda contains 12 ounces, which adds another 52 calories. And if you get a large soda at the local fast-food restaurant, you’ll consume 413 calories, reports the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Drinking water before a meal promotes a feeling of fullness, which helps some people eat less. Two studies published in the journal Obesity -- one in 2010 and the second in 2015 -- found that subjects who drank hot or cold water before a meal lost more weight, compared to participants who didn’t drink any beverages. You’ll also temporarily burn a few additional calories as the body metabolizes water. Even though these studies only used plain water, drinking a cup of tea may deliver similar benefits.

Chinese Black Tea Promotes Fat Loss
Black tea got its name because the tea leaves turn black during the oxidation process that develops new flavonoids. When it’s brewed, black tea develops a reddish color, which is why it’s called red tea in China. Chinese black tea, or pu-erh tea, is different from black tea in the United States. Just like green tea and black tea, pu-erh tea is made from the same tea leaves, but the leaves are fermented by microorganisms and aged over an extended period of time. As a result, pu-erh tea has a unique flavor and contains flavonoids called theabrownins and gallic acid.

Researchers found that study participants who drank pu-erh tea extract lost more weight and abdominal fat than the group that didn’t drink tea, reported Nutrition Research in June 2011. But this study only had 36 subjects, so their results may not apply to other people. In lab mice, oolong, black and pu-erh teas -- especially black tea -- promoted weight loss and significantly decreased visceral fat, according to Food and Function in 2014.

Best Facial Wash and Moisturizer Solutions for Acne Scars

Acne is a common skin condition that appears when hair follicles get clogged with naturally occurring bacteria and sebum, or oil. Usually, these blemishes or lesions appear primarily on the face, although the back, neck and chest also are characteristic regions of acne. Sufferers of this disease often experience extreme emotional distress caused by embarrassment and reduced self-esteem.

Many times acne can leave visible scars in response to popping and picking at blemishes. Using naturally scar-diminishing facial treatments, you can effectively reduce the appearance of acne scars without the harsh side effects of chemicals or the extra cost. Always consult your physician prior to beginning any new skin program.

Avocado and Oatmeal Exfoliator
Removing amassed dead skin cells from the surface helps to stimulate healthy skin cell production at the dermis layer. Keratin-filled cells helps to safeguard the skin from environmental deterrents that can lead to cellular damage or increased instances of acne. Removing this debris from acne scars helps the skin heal and reduce its appearance.

Using a mixture of avocado and oatmeal applied directly to the face in upward strokes helps to remove acne-causing impurities while delivering essential vitamin E that lessens the appearance of scars. Oatmeal acts as a mild buffing mechanism to lift away dirt, impurities and debris on the skin’s surface while soothing the irritation associated with acne, states the RN Guide to Skin Care website. Avocados are rich in vitamin E, the essential compound in promoting healthy skin and reducing the visibility of scarring, Medline Plus notes.

Lemon and Cucumber Wash
Refraining from picking or squeezing blemishes can prevent further breakouts and scarring. Sometimes, however, acne can leave characteristic hyper-pigmented scarring. Lemon juice contains natural antiseptic qualities helpful in cleansing the face and preventing acne, states the Organic Facts website. Additionally, the acidic consistency of lemon helps to fade scars on the skin’s surface as a mild bleaching agent.

Lemon can be extremely strong, so using it in tandem with cucumber helps to regulate its effectiveness. Cucumber provides soothing relief to dry, irritated skin often experienced with acne. It also acts as a moisturizer to help hydrate the skin without adding oil as well as reduce the appearance of scars, reports the Organic Facts website. Simply grate a small cucumber and add fresh squeezed lemon juice. Refrigerate for a couple of hours until cool. Use a cotton pad to apply the wash to the face and then rinse. Use this face wash daily and scars can diminish over time.

Olive Oil Moisturizer
Olive oil contains essential amounts of vitamin E that helps to prevent and reduce scarring. Additionally, olive oil as a topical agent helps to dissolve impurities while nourishing the skin without clogging the pores, reports the Disabled World website. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which prevents damage to cell structure that can increase scarring or make it appear worse. Simply dab a small amount of olive oil over scars to promote cell renewal. Do not overuse this moisturizer as it can cause breakouts if used in excess.

Neem Juice Benefits

Neem juice, extracted from the fruit and leaves of the neem plant, known scientifically as Azadirachta indica, has played a significant role in traditional Indian medicine for millennia. Modern medical researchers began looking seriously at the medicinal properties of neem juice and other neem derivatives in the latter half of the 20th century and have turned up increasing evidence of neem’s potential health benefits. Consult with your doctor before self-treating with neem juice or any other herbal remedy.

Bioactive Compounds
Of all the bioactive compounds isolated from neem plant materials, nimbidin, a tetranortriterpene, appears to have the widest array of medicinal properties, according to a team of Indian researchers who undertook a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature about neem. In an article that appeared in the June 2002 issue of “Current Science,” the team reported that nimbidin shows great potential as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, spermicidal, hypoglycemic and antipyretic agent. Also present in neem are the closely related compounds of nimbin, nimbolide and sodium nimbidate, which also appear to be medicinally significant. Nimbin has spermicidal properties, nimbolide is both antibacterial and antimalarial, and sodium nambidate is a strong anti-inflammatory agent.

Antibacterial Properties
In the early 1990s, Noel Vietmeyer, Ph.D., directed a National Research Council study into neem’s medicinal properties. In the council’s report, entitled “Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems,” Vietmeyer discusses neem’s potential for a wide variety of medicinal applications, but zeroes in on its proven ability to control the spread of several species of pathogenic bacteria. A study in a 2011 issue of the "International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences" shows neem juice’s strong suppressant properties when used against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhosa, both of which are responsible for widespread illness worldwide.

Combats Gastrointestinal Ills
Ellen Norten and Jean Putz, authors of “Neem: India’s Miraculous Healing Plant,” report that neem juice is extremely effective in relieving the symptoms of several gastrointestinal ailments, including constipation, diarrhea and hyperacidity. To ease the symptoms of diarrhea and even dysentery, they recommend taking 1 tablespoon of neem juice with sugar three times a day.

Fights Eye Problems
Neem juice provides relief for the eye problems of conjunctivitis and night blindness, both of which are widespread in India, according to the authors of a report in the January-February 2010 issue of the “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research.” To treat both conjunctivitis and night blindness, they suggest applying neem juice to the eyes each night. To obtain this juice, grind neem leaves to a fine powder and then add water to the powder to create a paste. Squeeze all the liquid from this paste through a clean cloth, and then apply the juice obtained directly to the eyes.

Reduces Fever
While scientific research on neem’s antipyretic properties continue, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine use neem juice to bring down fevers, just as they have done for centuries. In “A Treatise on Home Remedies,” S. Suresh Babu recommends taking 1 teaspoon of juice extracted from fresh green neem leaves along with 2 teaspoons of honey twice daily to quickly bring fevers under control.

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 4, 2016

Drinking Fresh Carrot Juice to Reduce Belly Fat

Juice diets are a popular way to lose weight, because the fruits and vegetables required to make the juice are relatively inexpensive and readily available. And many diets focus on losing belly fat, which can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems and some cancers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, it is impossible to target one part of your body for taking off the pounds. You also should not focus your weight-loss efforts on consuming only or mainly one type of food, such as carrot juice.

Liquid Form
One of the drawbacks that makes fresh carrot juice less than ideal for reducing belly fat is that it's a liquid. According to research published in the July 2011 issue of "Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care," carbohydrate-rich liquids are less filling than carbohydrate-rich solid foods, and consistent intake of such liquids may lead to an "increase in long-term energy intake." This lack of satiety can encourage belly fat gain rather than reduction.

Low in Fiber
Carrot juice is low in fiber, which is not beneficial for beating belly fat. Fiber is a nutrient that promotes satiety, but fresh carrot juice contains only 1 g per cup, which is unlikely to satisfy your appetite. Research from the May 2001 issue of "Nutrition Reviews" found that adding 14 g of fiber daily to participants' diets led to a 10 percent decrease in calories consumed. Limiting your calorie intake is the only way to eliminate belly fat.

Lack of Fat
Fresh carrot juice does not contain any dietary fat. Despite the name of the nutrient, dietary fat consumption doesn't directly correlate to body fat, and it may actually help prevent fat gain because it promotes feelings of fullness. In addition, December 1996 research from "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that increased dietary fat intake promotes higher levels of testosterone. In addition to promoting muscle gain, increased levels of testosterone can promote reduction of body fat, according to a study from the June 2009 issue of "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism."

High in Carbohydrates, Low in Protein
Carrot juice is rich in carbohydrates, with 14 g in each cup. However, the drink is also low in protein, with just 2 g per cup. This can be detrimental for reducing belly fat; research from the March 2011 edition of "Nutrition & Metabolism" indicates that diets with a high ratio of carbohydrates to protein promote increased energy storage in fat cells and less in muscle cells.

Restricting your dietary intake to just fresh carrot juice or any other single food item isn't a good idea long-term. Eating a balanced diet that provides adequate levels of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy. To reduce belly fat, increase your activity levels and reduce your calorie intake.

Workout Plans for Rapid Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight rapidly, aim for a weight-loss rate of no more than two pounds per week. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this amount is considered healthy, and you'll be more successful at keeping the weight off long-term. To lose weight at this rate, you must accumulate a deficit of 1,000 calories a day. In addition to a reduced-calorie diet, effective workout plans can help you achieve your goal.

Cardio with Intervals
To lose weight, the American Heart Association suggests at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio, or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio a week. High-Intensity Interval training, or HIIT, belongs in the latter category. It's done by alternating between a short, all-out vigorous pace and a less intense recovery pace. Think going back and forth from a jog to a sprint, or alternating between a moderate and vigorous jump-rope pace. By working at a higher intensity, your body burns more calories and fat, and continues to do so during post-exercise recovery.

Combination and Compound Exercises
Strength training is recommended at least two days of the week. Unlike isolation exercise, combination and compound exercises engage multiple joints and large muscles. This revs up your metabolism and optimizes muscle stimulation, along with fat and caloric burn. Exercise examples include pushups combined with dumbbell rows, lunges with biceps curls, squats with shoulder presses, and step-ups with front raises. Start with one set of eight to 12 reps -- as you get stronger, add two more sets. To make strength training part of your workout plan, dedicate 30 to 60 minutes to it -- on Tuesdays and Thursday, for instance. Always schedule it on nonconsecutive days so your body has enough time to recover between workouts.

Calorie-Blasting Circuit Training
Circuit training can give you the benefits of a strength-training and cardio workout in one session. It saves time and incinerates calories and fat, both during and after your workout. To do a circuit-training session, select about eight cardiovascular and strength-training exercises. Do each exercise for one minute, or for a set number of repetitions. Schedule minimal rest -- about 15 seconds -- in between the exercises, so your heart rate stays up. You can go from bench presses to crunches, for example, followed by jumping jacks and lunges. Then do pushups and bent-over rows, followed by jumping rope and squats. Complete the circuit two to three times. To make circuit training part of your workout plan, schedule two to three, 30-minute sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Things to Consider
Always start your exercise routine with a warm-up of five to 10 minutes of light cardio, to get your blood flowing and to prep your body for the more vigorous exercise to come. You can end your routine in a similar manner, and also include some light stretching. If you're new to exercise, or suffer from injuries or health conditions, get your doctor's approval before starting to work out. Also, don't forget to adjust your diet to contribute to your caloric deficit; eating smaller portions, and emphasizing low-calorie foods over high-calorie foods, can go a long way.

How to Lose 30 Pounds in 3 Months With a Diet Plan

Losing 30 pounds in three months is a lofty goal, but is achievable if you've got the grit, determination -- and a lot of weight to lose. A three-month deadline puts your rate of loss at an average of about 2 1/2 pounds per week, just slightly above the ideal range of 1 to 2 pounds per week that's recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can safely lose weight at this faster rate, as long as you choose a diet plan that emphasizes diligent portion control, healthy food choices and exercise. Always check with your personal physician before beginning a diet-and-exercise program to be sure it's appropriate for you.

Potential for Losing 30 Pounds in 3 Months
Weight loss happens when you reduce your calorie intake below what you burn. To lose 30 pounds in three months, you'll have to create a deficit of 8,750 calories per week -- or about 1,250 calories per day. For the average adult, who requires about 2,000 calories per day to maintain the current weight, a 1,250-calorie deficit is unhealthy and unsustainable because it would leave just 750 calories on which to live. Registered dietitian, Joanne Larsen, on her website, warns against eating fewer than 1,200 calories per day because of the potential for nutrient deficiency, poor energy and muscle loss. In general, men need more calories per day than women, even when trying to lose weight.

But, the larger you are, the more calories you burn, so, if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, chances are you burn more than the 2,000-calorie-per-day average.Consult with your physician or use an online basal metabolic calculator, which estimates your daily calorie maintenance needs, to ensure you burn at least 2,450 calories daily. This ensures you can safely trim the 1,250 calories daily to lose 30 pounds in three months.

Exercise to Assist in Weight Loss
If trimming the required number of calories is not possible for your frame, combine eating less with increased physical activity. Exercise boosts your daily calorie burn significantly. Aim for 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic work -- such as brisk walking -- on most days to burn more calories, along with regular strength training to maintain muscle. You can then reduce calories by only 500 to 1,000 per day to achieve the goal deficit of 1,250 calories per day.

How much of an increase in caloric burn you get from physical activity depends on your size and the intensity of the exercise. Note that if you're already physically active and maintaining your weight, you'll need to add more exercise duration or intensity to create a deficit that promotes loss. Consulting a personal trainer is helpful for recommendations about what types of exercise will benefit you the most and be safe for your current level of physical fitness.

Choosing a Weight-Loss Diet Plan
A sensible weight-loss plan teaches you reasonable, maintainable habits so you'll stay in control of your weight your whole life. Drastic measures may bring immediate results, but they're more likely to lead to serious consequences, such as low energy, muscle loss, irritability, diminished immunity, inability to concentrate and binges. If you don't learn to manage your eating and exercise, chances are you'll gain all 30 pounds back -- and possibly more. Go with a plan that's sensible, doesn't ban entire food groups, and is appropriate for your lifestyle and schedule. For example, a plan that requires lots of nightly cooking when you work 12-hour days and have children may be unsustainable and set you up for failure.

Diet plans that provide a tool for monitoring -- whether it's a food journal, a counselor or online tracker -- help keep you from straying, too. To lose a significant amount of weight in a relatively short period, like three months, accountability is key.

Sample Diet Plan
How many calories you eat to lose the 30 pounds in three months is really tailored to your size, calorie needs and activity level. A sensible approach, though, usually includes eating a 2- to 4-ounce serving of protein, at least 1/2 cup of whole grains or starchy vegetable, 1 to 2 teaspoons of an unsaturated fat, and 1 to 2 cups of leafy or nonstarchy veggies at each meal. Quality protein foods include white fish, chicken breast, lean steak, white-meat pork, tofu and egg whites. Opt for brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa and 100 percent whole-wheat bread for whole grains or sweet potatoes, winter squash or peas as starchy vegetables. Leafy and nonstarchy vegetables include lettuce, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, green beans, asparagus. For healthy, unsaturated fats, choose olive and avocado oil, nut butters, raw nuts or seeds and avocados.

Your daily meal plan might consist of an egg white omelet with chopped peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes and a slice of whole-wheat toast topped with 2 teaspoons of almond butter; a tossed spinach salad with chicken breast, quinoa, olive oil and cucumbers; and flank steak, wild rice and steamed broccoli for dinner.

Although you're trying to lose weight quickly, you can still indulge in snacks. Make them nutrient-rich choices, though, that are portion-controlled to keep calories low. Low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit -- especially berries, which are low in calories -- whole-grain crackers, hummus and almonds are some options to choose from. The number of calories you eat at snack time depends on your daily calorie limits.

Weight Loss Pitfalls
Your daily calorie needs are calculated according to your size. As your size shrinks with weight loss, your calorie needs change. To keep losing weight, you'll need to adjust your calorie intake downward every time you lose five to 10 pounds. Larsen notes that for every five pounds lost, you'll need to decrease your intake by 25 to 50 calories. So, if you successfully lose weight when eating 1,600 calories per day at first, once you lose 15 to 20 pounds, you may have to reduce your intake by an additional 100 to 200 calories to keep dropping weight.

Even if you don't reach your goal weight in three months, know that small changes can make a big health impact. The CDC notes that even losing 5 percent of your total body weight can lead to improvements in blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure.