Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 4, 2016

Egg Mask for Acne

Dealing with blemishes can be a bumpy ride. However, there are things you can do in conjunction with using acne-fighting cleansers and medications to help weather the pimply storm. Create an egg-white acne facial mask at home and apply it weekly to help banish your blemishes and soothe your irritated skin.

Why Egg Whites Help
Eggs are a good source of protein which, when applied to the skin, can diminish large pores. Because eggs are high in vitamin A, which is used to treat scars, egg whites may help smooth acne lesions. In addition, the protein in eggs serves as a mild astringent for oily skin and a firming agent to keep skin from sagging.

Making the Mask
After you separate the yolk from the egg white. Whisk the egg white into a creamy froth. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Whisk a bit more to combine. Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and rich in alpha hydroxy acids, which can exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores. Apply the egg mask to your skin using either your fingertips or a soft-bristled pastry brush. Wait about 30 minutes for the egg white to dry.

Follow-Up Care
Rinse off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Apply a noncomedogenic, oil-free and perfume-free moisturizer to your face. It's important to moisturize afterward because the egg mask is drying. Moisturizing the skin returns necessary hydration to your skin so your body doesn't produce oil to compensate.

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