Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 4, 2016

3-Day Body Cleanse

The three-day body cleanse is a method of cleansing the body utilizing a variety of herbs that occurs over a three-day period. Created by Dr. John Christopher, the cleanse is designed to rid the body of waste by cleaning skin pores, eliminating accumulated waste in the intestines and purging the lungs, kidneys and liver of excess toxins. The cleanse is the first step in a full-body detoxification process offering individuals better health and weight management, and offers a few basic and easy to perform steps.

Step 1
Drink approximately 16 ounces of unsweetened prune juice on the first morning of the cleanse. Be prepared to make several trips to the bathroom, although the prune juice will do more than just clean out your bowels. The prune juice is also meant to help draw excess toxins from other organs in the body, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and stomach into the intestines for elimination.

After waiting approximately 30 minutes, drink an 8-ounce glass of pure, natural or undiluted apple juice. This apple juice should be thicker than what people normally think of as clear, coppery looking apple juice. Another 30 minutes later, you need to drink a glass of purified or distilled water, followed another 30 minutes later with another glass of apple juice.

If you do not care for apple juice, you may substitute several other types of juices in this cleanse, including carrot, citrus, tomato or grape juice. However, it is suggested that you stick to one specific type of juice to drink throughout the three-day cleanse.

Step 2
Drink the apple juice and water repetition throughout the day, every 30 minutes. At the end of the day, you will have consumed about a gallon each of apple juice and water. This cleanse is best done in the privacy of your home, where you can have access to the bathroom. The combination of prune juice, apple juice and water will place a temporary strain on the urinary tract and bowels as the cleansing continually works through the body.

Step 3
Repeat this process for three days, not eating any solid foods during this time. If you get really hungry, you can eat some raw vegetables like carrots or apples, or match the raw fruit to the type of juice you're drinking with the water-juice routine. If you have any medical conditions or take prescription drugs, discuss the cleanse with your doctor. Individuals may expect to become constipated, a condition caused by the breakdown of mucus that is generated from the release of toxins in the body as they make their way into the lower intestine or colon. You may drink an extra glass of prune juice to help alleviate any cramping or discomfort. The cleanse also works best if the individual takes between 1 and 2 tablespoons of olive oil three times a day to help soothe and lubricate the liver and liver bile ducts. On the fourth and subsequent days, gradually add raw vegetables and fruits to the diet to re-incorporate solid food.

Things You'll Need
Unsweetened prune juice

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