Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 4, 2016

Green Apple Juice Nutrition

Green apples — sometimes referred to as Granny Smith apples — are firmer-textured and more tart than their rosy or golden-colored cousins. While they can be eaten raw, their firmer texture lends itself to baking and cooking -- and they make an excellent juice. A little more sour than other apple juices, green apple juice is still sweet and mixes well with other fruit and vegetable juices. It takes 4 cups of sliced, peel-on green apples to make 1 cup of green apple juice.

Basic Nutrients
A 1-cup serving of green apple juice has 253 calories, with less than 1 gram of total fat. It also has 1.92 grams of protein and almost 42 grams of sugar. Because of this, a single serving of green apple juice has over 59 grams of carbohydrates. The Institute of Medicine recommends between 130 to 210 grams of carbohydrate per day, and between 46 to 71 grams of protein for the recommended dietary allowance for all adults. However, the dietary fiber content available in raw green apples is not transferred over to the apple juice, as it is usually filtered out.

Potassium is found throughout your body, and as an electrolyte, it keeps your body’s acid-base balance in check while also maintaining your heart’s electrical activity. It is needed for the construction of muscle and proteins, as well as the breakdown of carbohydrates into usable energy. Adult men and women require 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day, which rises to 5,100 milligrams for women who are pregnant. A 1-cup serving of green apple juice features 523 milligrams of potassium, providing more than 11 percent of the recommended amount for adult men and women, and a little more than 10 percent of the recommended amount for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Vitamin K
Vitamin K assists in blood coagulation, giving it the nickname “the clotting vitamin.” Without it, your body would experience abnormal bleeding, causing it to heal poorly from injuries or suffer abnormal bruising. Vitamin K also helps your body absorb calcium, so it is important for keeping your bones and teeth healthy. The daily adequate intake for vitamin K is 120 micrograms for men, and 90 micrograms for women, including those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. One serving of green apple juice has 14 micrograms of vitamin K. This provides 11.7 percent of the AI for adult men and a little over 15 percent of the AI for adult women.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute, green apples are the primary source of flavonoids in the North America diet. Green apples are particularly rich in cyanidin and epicatechin, although their ruby-colored counterpart, the Red Delicious, contains more of both compounds. Regardless, green apples provide much-needed antioxidants, which protect your body from damage from environmental toxins — such as radiation, exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke — as well as from free radicals, which are produced when your body digests food. In particular, free radicals can speed up the aging process and put you at greater risk for certain diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

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